Alexander Vindman Goes Full 'Leroy Jenkins' in Desperate Bid to Cover for Joe Biden

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has taken center stage in regard to world events over the last week. Naturally, that means a lot of really terrible takes from way-too online individuals have gone forth. RedState covered a few of these recently (see here and here). But while it’s easy to dunk on blue-check Twitter users who obviously don’t know anything, Alexander Vindman’s nonsense stands in a category of its own.


The chief purveyor of Donald Trump’s first impeachment attempt has long presented himself as a fierce defender of Ukraine, so much so that he tried to argue under oath that it was impeachable for a president to disagree with his foreign policy subscriptions on the matter. In the end, Trump was acquitted by the Senate, but Vindman has done everything he can to hang onto his 15 minutes of fame. Unfortunately, the mainstream media, ever eager to own the orange man, have kept him somewhat relevant (at least in his own mind).

Still, when Joe Biden’s strategy to contain Russia so utterly failed and Putin made his move, you would have expected Vindman, who has proclaimed his desire to “defend” his “homeland,” to have had some sharp words for the administration. After all, the president’s attempts to stop Russia failed and were marked by a cowardly approach that saw no preemptive sanctions. If Vindman truly cared about Ukraine, why not speak out? Instead, the pudgy former Army officer took shots at Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelesnky.

Now, with Kyiv getting bombarded, Vindman thinks he’s found the real culprit: Donald Trump.


Reality completely disagrees with Vindman’s assessment. Donald Trump was the first president to actually send lethal aid to Ukraine. Barack Obama and Joe Biden only mustered blankets and other non-lethal materials. Did Vindman have anything to say about that? Of course not, because Vindman is an absolute hack whose primary goal is to protect Democrat interests. That was obvious during Trump’s impeachment, and it’s obvious now as he forgoes any criticism of Joe Biden to attack the guy who hasn’t been president in over a year.

Take the claim that Trump froze military aid to Ukraine. That’s technically true over the span of a few weeks, but in the grand scheme of things, the decision was irrelevant to Ukraine’s ability to fight now (the aid was ultimately delivered). Using that as “proof” Trump is culpable is a cheap, partisan talking point that doesn’t actually make any sense. Over the course of four years, the Trump administration pumped hundreds of millions of dollars of lethal aid into Ukraine. That’s not debatable. Further, Biden himself froze a lethal aid package to Ukraine in an attempt to appease Russia just months ago. Why is Vindman not crying about that? I think we all know why.


As to the idea that Trump’s rhetoric on NATO empowered Putin, that’s ridiculous. Trump was trying to get the NATO nations to 1) spend more on defense and 2) stop buying Russian oil and natural gas, which itself empowered Putin. Blowing smoke up the backside of the European leaders has never accomplished anything, and Trump was right to challenge the status quo.

But where Vindman truly goes full “Leroy Jenkins” is when he attempts to blame Biden’s specific failure on Trump. Donald Trump, whatever one may think of him, has had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that the current president has been completely inept. It’s laughable to even suggest that. Further, it’s been Republicans (including Ted Cruz) who have pushed for heavy sanctions on Russia for months, long before Putin crossed the border. The Biden administration rallied against those. Again, where was Vindman to complain about that?

He was nowhere to be found because Vindman is a coward who values cable news hits more than doing what’s right. For all his tough talk, in the face of an open invitation from Ukraine for men to go fight, all he can muster are ahistorical jabs on Twitter. Shouldn’t he be on a flight to Poland right now to join up given his rhetoric? From the beginning, Vindman has prioritized protecting partisan interests over Ukraine, and that continues now.



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