Biden's Ukraine Response After-Party Produces Some Horrific Optics

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Nearly 24 hours after Russian President Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine under the guise of recognizing the autonomy of parts of the Donbas region, US President Joe Biden finally mustered a response. Showing up almost two hours late for what was supposed to be an incredibly urgent address (they even moved the start time up, only for him to miss his mark by a mile), the president stumbled and slurred his way through his remarks, outlining a series of incredibly weak sanctions and previewing more pain in the wallet for the average American.


Biden wasn’t done for the day, though. He immediately entered a meeting about “green” energy initiatives, attended by California Gov. Gavin Newsom, among others. As an aside, what genius in the administration thought it was a good idea to go ahead with such an event during a time like this? Regardless, some of the worst optics I’ve ever seen for a president unfolded.

With an international crisis still playing out in real-time, Biden decided now was a good time to laugh about Russia’s invasion, hawk green energy voodoo, and mock reporters who were asking him questions. The lack of self-control was astonishing.

Russia is invading Europe as I type this, and Joe Biden thinks he’s got Putin right where he wants him by joking about the size of his economy? It’d be one thing if Russia had not just thoroughly outmaneuvered the United States and NATO on the world stage, but given that’s what has occurred, these shots come across as desperate and pathetic.


They also show a profound lack of understanding regarding Putin’s motivations. He does not care whether Russia’s economy is smaller than California’s. What he cares about is expanding his influence, and keeping his domestic affairs in line. The foreign policy establishment‘s insistence on looking at everything through a Westernized, purely economic frame is part of why Putin has been able to take advantage to such an extent over the last decade. When you fundamentally underestimate and misunderstand your enemy, you open the door to get punched in the mouth, and Biden is in no condition to bob and weave.

Past that, the president once again forgot who one of his cabinet members is, calling Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm “governor,” then “senator,” and then saying she was “my governor.” For the record, Granholm was the Governor of Michigan. She was never Biden’s governor, but these kinds of mental breakdowns are expected, at this point.



Things got even weirder at the end of the roundtable, though. Biden gets asked an obvious question about Putin, and instead of answering it, the president starts smirking and picking at his teeth, while staring blankly for over 20 seconds. It was an incredibly odd scene.

Who gave this guy edibles before he went on stage?

But jokes aside, I don’t actually think Biden was blanking out mentally in that clip. Instead, he appeared to be purposely mocking the reporters in the room. Think about how bad that looks. The president decided to behave this way on a day in which he essentially acknowledged Putin had completely pantsed him.

I’m not pointing that out because I’m offended by Biden mocking reporters. I’m pointing it out because it’s incredible how bad he is at his job. This is the time to be stoic and at least pretend to care about the situation at hand — not just because of what it means for Europe, but because of what it means for Americans.

The stock market collapsed today, wiping out almost a year’s worth of gains for retirements and investments. Gas prices are continuing to skyrocket, and home energy prices aren’t far behind. These are huge, real-world issues that are slamming the middle-class, and Biden is laughing it up while conducting some ridiculous green energy summit that completely ignores those concerns. Does this man not have advisors? Or does he just not listen to them?



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