Joe Biden Talks Dead Dogs and Moonshots in Speech That Would Make Corn Pop Proud

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

Joe Biden gave a speech today prior to making his comments on the Ukraine situation, and you can probably guess how that went. While addressing county-level leaders at the Washington Hilton about various issues, the president launched into a story about putting a dead dog on a woman’s porch to spite her.


Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States.

Am I actually upset by the fact that Biden may or may not have put a dead dog on a woman’s porch to get back at her for demanding he do his job as a then county commissioner? Nah, not in the least. Rather, I just find the entire thing ridiculous. Biden is a first-class bull excrement artist, and I’d bet a lot of money that this story is completely made up. File it right alongside his tale of an infamous encounter with a black man named Corn Pop at the city pool.

It’s all the typical nonsense we’ve come to expect from the president. Though, if he were trying to illustrate everything that’s wrong with overpaid government officials, that story did a good job of that.

Regardless, there were more serious occurrences during the speech, such as Biden once again forgetting what administration he served under as vice president.

I’ve lost count of how many times he’s gotten confused when trying to recall Barack Obama’s name over the last two years. It remains an incredibly weird thing to witness, and it says a lot about Biden’s mental acuity. Senility commonly comes with old age, and the president has that in spades. Still, it’s concerning to know this guy is the leader of the free world. You’d hope those constant four-day weekends would have him sharper, but I digress.


In that same clip, Biden also tried to take credit for curing cancer, before cancer has been cured.

As I’ve written before, I find the politicization of that to be gross. The president has done nothing of actual value to help find a cure for cancer. Recently, he revealed his “cancer moonshot,” and all it included was a “cancer cabinet,” which translates to a bunch of do-nothings getting taxpayer dollars to serve as a stand-in for actually doing something. It’s like appointing Kamala Harris as “border czar.” We all know it’s meaningless, and at some point, it becomes exploitative to try to take credit for the unfinished work others have been doing for decades in the field of cancer research.

Of course, we can’t end an article on a Biden speech without pointing out the lies that were told. Here’s one example.

It is an indisputable fact that the Build Back Better bill would add to the deficit. It is also a fact that it would raise taxes on everyone, not just those making above $400,000. Yet, Biden has no fear in repeating those falsehoods for the umpteenth time because who’s going to fact-check him? The Washington Post? CNN? They’ve got right-wing memes to dig into. Clearly, that leaves no time to worry about the president telling easily disprovable lies.


Biden also claimed the child tax credit existed when he was a child. In reality, it was enacted during the 1990s. Such memory failures are a dime a dozen with this president, though. In the end, it is what it is, but it’s all newsworthy nonetheless.


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