Another Georgia Poll Puts Democrats in Five-Alarm Fire Territory

AP Photo/Ben Gray

On Wednesday, RedState reported on a Quinnipiac poll out of Georgia which showed some disturbing results for Democrats. Contrary to the assertion that Georgia’s Senate and gubernatorial races “lead D,” Republicans Herschel Walker and Brian Kemp led Democrats Raphael Warnock and Stacey Abrams, respectively.


But while those slim leads were good news for Republicans in the grand scheme of things, another poll has been released that paints a far bleaker picture for Democrats. Georgia’s flagship (and most far-left) newspaper, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, put out a survey in conjunction with the University of Georgia that is great news all around for the GOP.

Both Kemp and David Perdue hold comfortable leads over Abrams, who has received tons of national press since announcing another run for the governorship. Kemp does better than Perdue by comparison, but both are in a good position as the race stands today. You’d certainly rather be them than Abrams, given the political environment, the historical trends, and the numbers we are currently seeing.

Things weren’t much better on the Senate side of things. Walker leads Warnock with a 47 percent to 44 percent result, which is somewhat of a rebuke of those on the right who insisted Walker was a sure loser. He seems to be resonating, to this point at least.

As to Joe Biden, Georgians are not a fan. He’s clearly becoming a major drag in the state, holding only a 33 percent approval rating with a 61 percent disapproval. Seventy-one percent of Georgians also believe the country is on the wrong track.


Of course, a lot can change. Kemp is a known commodity, so if he wins the primary, he’s probably in good shape for the general election. It’s not like he or Abrams lacks name recognition to the point where you expect drastic swings to occur. With Walker, I haven’t seen him actually perform on the campaign trail yet. Is he a dynamic speaker? Will he have a bunch of gaffes? How’s his command of the issues? Will Trump’s support offer a boost? I just don’t know the answers to those questions at this point, so I think we’ll have to wait and see how things go.

But if you want absolute proof that this poll is terrible news for Democrats, all you have to do is look at how the AJC chose to report it. Note all the numbers I shared above and how important they are to the mid-terms. Now, here is what the AJC thought was the most important story from their own poll.

Biden’s sky-high disapproval? Abrams getting trounced? Warnock trailing? None of those were worthy of being the headline for the AJC. Instead, they felt that “Trump could be a drag for Georgia” was the most important news from this poll, though the results don’t necessarily show that. After all, wouldn’t Walker be trailing if that were true?


That kind of obfuscation is purposeful and points to how deep of a hole Democrats are finding themselves in as the midterms draw closer. As I said in a prior article, Georgia is supposed to be different. It’s supposed to be where Democrats overperform compared to the rest of the political environment. Most election raters have the Senate race as “lead D.” But if Democrats end up getting blown out on election night in the Peach State, it could be one of the biggest wave elections in the nation’s history.


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