Lori Lightfoot Goes Nuclear on the Chicago Teachers Union

AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast

Yesterday, per RedState’s reporting, the Chicago Teachers’ Union went on strike again. They are attempting to spin it as a “remote work action,” but are refusing to show up to their classrooms, leaving hundreds of thousands of children stranded. They ostensibly claim this is about COVID and that schools are not safe. The data shows that’s absolute nonsense, though, and this isn’t the first time the CTU has held the city hostage because they are objectively lazy.


For example, they initially refused to return to work at all last year unless schools were given “restorative justice coordinators” and provided rent assistance, among a list of other completely irrational demands unrelated to COVID. Eventually, the city caved and made a deal as is the pattern when it comes to public-sector unions in Democrat-led cities.

In the end, Chicago schools finally reopened a full year later than many other schools across the country despite yet another threat to strike from the CTU. Yet, once Omicron arrived, providing the perfect excuse (in their eyes, at least), the CTU walked out on the kids they claim to care about again.

Will things be different this time? Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot went nuclear on the CTU last night, proclaiming that “enough is enough” and that she will fight the good fight.

The question is just how far she’s willing to go. Yesterday, Lightfoot shut down the city’s Google classrooms, which the striking teachers were using to facilitate their “remote work action” and organize support, including from students. That was a big first step in not giving in to their demands. Had they been allowed to continue teaching virtually, it would have been a big concession to let the CTU dictate how students are taught even as they refuse to show up for work.


The next move has to be hitting these CTU members in the pocketbook, and Lightfoot has already threatened action on that front as well.

The mayor has the power to stop sending out paychecks to teachers who don’t show up and she absolutely should do it. It’s the only thing that’s going to bring these bums into line, and Lightfoot better not back down. It would do incredible damage to the city’s children if she doesn’t follow through with her threat. The CTU is one of the most abusive teachers’ unions in the nation. Any concession at this point will only encourage more bad behavior.


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