Yikes: Overtly Political CIA and DOJ Covered up Deep State Child Sex Crimes

AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais, File

Just in case your trust in the CIA and other aspects of the intelligence community hadn’t already fully dissipated, I think this latest story might do the trick.


According to Buzzfeed, almost a dozen CIA employees were caught committing sex crimes, including against children, and were never properly brought to justice. The DOJ, even when the cases were referred to them, passed on prosecution in all but a single instance.

This is what a two-tiered justice system looks like.

Over the past 14 years, the Central Intelligence Agency has secretly amassed credible evidence that at least 10 of its employees and contractors committed sexual crimes involving children.

Though most of these cases were referred to US attorneys for prosecution, only one of the individuals was ever charged with a crime. Prosecutors sent the rest of the cases back to the CIA to handle internally, meaning few faced any consequences beyond the possible loss of their jobs and security clearances.

The crimes in question are horrific and would have landed a normal American in jail for possibly decades. Here’s a description of some of what occurred.

One employee had sexual contact with a 2-year-old and a 6-year-old. He was fired. A second employee purchased three sexually explicit videos of young girls, filmed by their mothers. He resigned. A third employee estimated that he had viewed up to 1,400 sexually abusive images of children while on agency assignments. The records do not say what action, if any, the CIA took against him. A contractor who arranged for sex with an undercover FBI agent posing as a child had his contract revoked.


The revelations appear to date back to the last few months of the George W. Bush years and continued into Barack Obama’s tenure. Requests for information that would have exposed these acts date back to 2012 and were made as recently as 2020.

What was the excuse for the DOJ not pressing charges in response? They were apparently concerned with exposing “sources and the methods.” So sexual predators were allowed to go free, only facing inter-agency disciplinary action, over the bogus concern that actually charging them would somehow hurt national security.

That’s an insane contention. We are talking about people who raped kids and viewed masses of child pornography, not super-secret double-agents working to take down China. There is no logic behind the idea that they couldn’t have been prosecuted. Instead, it’s much more likely that the DOJ passed on prosecution for the same reason they always do when it comes to the FBI, CIA, and DOJ itself — because they are all about protecting their own bureaucracies. Had this gotten out in the public sooner, it would have been embarrassing, and they can’t have that. I believe it’s that simple.


Meanwhile, these are the same outfits that sat on their high horses during the entirety of the Donald Trump administration, squealing about “foreign interference” and pretending they weren’t overtly political. Remember, all of this was known while John Brennan served as CIA Director under Obama. He didn’t ask for accountability, instead, keeping everything hidden. Then he went on MSNBC and CNN every week and waxed poetic about the evils of supposed “Russian collusion.” What a sick, sick way of thinking.

The deep state is real, and it’s absolutely disgusting.


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