Michigan School Board Lied About 'Mini-January 6 Insurrection' in Infamous NSBA Letter

AP Photo/John Minchillo

While the NSBA letter that tried to designate concerned parents as “domestic terrorists” has already been largely retracted, the assertions in it continue to be debunked. Most notably, through right-leaning reporting, we’ve learned that Scott Smith, arrested in Loudoun County, was actually protesting the alleged rape of his young daughter.


Now, another major citation from the letter has gone down in flames. That involves a claim that parents rushed the stage at a school board meeting with fists clinched to mimick January 6th-style “violence.”

Here’s something you won’t see in the national news per Michigan Capitol Confidential.

Sara Clark Pierson, president of the Grand Ledge school board, said in local and national interviews (WILX-TV and National Public Radio) that the school board experienced a “mini-January 6 insurrection” during a recent public meeting when parents rushed the stage with their fists up.

But fellow school board member Ben Cwayna says the incident never happened and the parents do not deserve to be labeled as violent.

Clark Pierson originally made her claim in a WILX-TV interview, and repeated it in an interview with NPR.

Cwayna wrote a lengthy statement correcting the record after it was not addressed at the latest school board meeting. Pierson was apparently fine with covering up her dishonesty. We’ll have to wait to find out exactly what her excuse is, but you can bet it’ll be a word salad and a lot of hedging. I wouldn’t expect any corrections from NPR either.

What this shows is just how unsubstantiated that NSBA letter was. The two most “severe” acts did not happen. Scott Smith was not violent that day in June. He flinched when an officer tried to forcibly remove him after the school board wouldn’t let him speak. That led to him being thrown to the floor and beaten for his trouble. And in this latest example, it appears the accusation didn’t happen at all, in any context.

Besides, does anyone truly believe a “mini-January 6 insurrection” happened at a Michigan school board meeting and no one took a picture? Or that only this partisan hack of a school board president saw it? No one should be that gullible. Yet, the DOJ used that letter to target parents anyway and continues to do so despite the NSBA’s apology.

Parents are winning the fight against far-left, ideologically based school boards. The walls that have previously protected them from scrutiny are collapsing. This is the time to keep the pressure on, and hopefully, this Tuesday will mark another victory with a Glenn Youngkin win in Virginia.



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