Joe Biden’s Puppet Master Declares Inflation Is a ‘High-Class’ Issue

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

There’s no better sign that an administration is collapsing and has run out of excuses than when you start seeing proclamations that things could always be worse. That’s the latest message coming from Ronald Klain, the puppet-master Chief of Staff behind Joe Biden’s presidency.


Klain has become infamous for retweeting insane things on Twitter, with Jennifer Rubin being one of his favorites. Still, I think this latest example may be the politically dumbest thing he’s put on social media.

You see, according to President Klain, the inflation and supply chain issues plaguing the country are  “high-class” problems and are actually evidence that Biden’s policies are working.

That’s quite the spin being applied to a situation that is crushing middle-class Americans. Besides, there is no scenario where unemployment would still be at 10% unless it was completely dictated by self-inflicted government lockdowns. To insinuate Biden has somehow saved us from double-digit unemployment is moronic. The economy was put into an artificial coma due to COVID-19 during 2020. States simply removing restrictions was enough to get many people back to work. Yet, Biden has strangled the recovery with asinine energy, employment, and monetary policies.

Past that, the unemployment rate is a terrible barometer anyway given how many people have left the workforce and how many job openings there currently are. Clearly, there is still a labor shortage that Klain isn’t wanting to admit to. That shortage is what is hampering the supply chain issues the country is now feeling. There aren’t enough truck drivers to service the ports in California, and fuel prices have raised the costs for everyone involved.


Still, it’s incredibly tone-deaf to use the phrase “high-class” when talking about inflation. Inflation hits the lower and middle classes the most. It eats their savings and strains their budgets. It’s actually the rich who are able to absorb inflation the best because they have the most disposable income. That should be obvious to anyone commenting on the matter.

For Klain, though, the misdirection is the point. He wants to spin a wild tale about Biden taking over a collapsing economy when he didn’t. Rather, the administration has made things so much worse that we are now at the phase of Biden’s implosion where objectively bad news is celebrated as good news while the media clap like seals. I’m pretty sure that kind of messaging isn’t going to resonate, though, certainly not when people see their bank accounts dwindling while they can’t even find Christmas presents because the supply chains are clogged.


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