Trump Responds to Biden's Presser as Only He Can, Clowns on the Press Corps' Ridiculous Performance

AP Photo/John Raoux

Donald Trump may be banned from all the major social media sites, but he managed to deliver a scathing response to Joe Biden’s recent, disastrous press conference.


Calling the questions “softballs,” the former president noted how differently the press treat Biden compared to how they treated him.

This per The Daily Wire.

Former President Donald Trump slammed Democrat President Joe Biden’s much-criticized press conference on Thursday, saying that the entire ordeal was “ridiculous.”

“Well, they were strange questions, and they were asked in a very interesting way,” Trump said during an interview on Fox News. “It was like softballs, like you are throwing softballs up, and it’s just a different world. Nobody has seen anything like it. You know it. You know it better than anybody. You cover it so well. And it’s very sad to watch, actually, they are feeding him questions. They are easy questions. I noticed Peter Doocy didn’t get to ask a question today.”

Here’s the full interview that occurred on Fox News.

The description that Biden was fed questions is an apt one. As RedState covered, he was given a picture book with pre-selected reporters circled to be called on. All of those allowed to ask questions were sympathetic to the administration, with Yamich Alcindor’s lauding of Biden’s morality as the cause of the border surge being the most ridiculously framed. Aren’t you glad your tax dollars go to PBS to make sure we get hard-hitting journalism like that?


Trump is correct that Peter Doocy didn’t get a question, and the reason is obvious. He was prepared to hit Biden with his words from 2005 about how important the filibuster is. That question eventually got asked to Jen Psaki the next day. Biden would have had no answer for that so his handlers made sure not to call on the largest cable news provider in the country.

The former president wasn’t done, though. He then launched into Biden’s handling of China, including that disgraceful performance before the Chinese delegation last week.

“China ends up delivering this major rebuke to the United States, to our faces, essentially saying that we have no standing to lecture them because of our own issues of racism that have been perpetually parroted by Democrats,” Fox News host Laura Ingraham said. “Did the Chinese ever lecture you or your people about America’s racism problem?”

“We never had anything like that happen. That was an embarrassment. It was an absolute embarrassment to our country,” Trump responded. “I could not believe it. I couldn’t believe the meeting. Even the location. So many different elements of what took place when they started and they went on and on and on.”


It was an absolute embarrassment, and it was the starkest example yet of how weak and ineffective the new administration is. Trump made combating China’s economic and military aggression his top priority. The Biden administration has made apologizing for China and excusing their misdeeds theirs. President Xi has to be jumping for joy at the subservient approach being taken toward his tyrannical country.

The country is headed in the wrong direction, and you can probably sum up Trump’s interview this way – miss me yet?



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