Tucker Carlson Delivers a Hilarious, and Then Deadly Serious Response to Biden's Speech

Tucker Carlson didn’t deliver the best response to Joe Biden’s primetime address last night. I think that honor goes to RedState’s Jennifer Van Laar, who lambasted the tyrannical act delivered from the mouth of a man who is clearly barely hanging on at this point.


But Carlson’s was uniquely entertaining in that he decided to do a live reaction shot as he was listening before launching into a short, but deadly serious monologue on just how gross Biden’s act was.

You know Tucker’s reactions were hitting all the right notes when CNN’s potato squad, consisting of Brian Stelter and Oliver Darcy, started freaking out about it on Twitter.

Eventually, Biden’s meandering primetime speech ended and Tucker went in.

(Remarks begin at 25:40 if auto-cue doesn’t work)

As an aside, the end of the speech is just really weird. His body appeals frail, exasperated from having to stand for 25 minutes. He looks at the camera and says “I look forward to seeing you,” something that makes no sense whatsoever in context. He then slaps the podium like he just knocked back a final shot after a long night at the bar. I’m guessing that last segment wasn’t on the teleprompter.


But I digress, Carlson immediately hits the right notes, noting how surreal the speech was, describing it as almost dream-like. Biden was indeed “empathetic” to the extent that any normal person should feel comforted by a man they don’t even know pretending to care about their plight. In my opinion, there’s a certain pathetic nature to looking to politicians for empathy.

As Carlson got into Biden’s threats to reinstate “restrictions,” the tone changed. You could feel the mockery in his voice. With a perplexed look, Carlson asked “who are you talking to?” of Biden’s remarks.

Carlson ended his monologue by stating “This is a free people, this is a free country, how dare you tell us who we can spend the 4th of July with?” At that moment, he was no doubt channeling the feelings of a majority of the country, including many Democrats who would never admit so in public.


Joe Biden does not dictate to me what I can or can’t do. He doesn’t get to tell me how large my group of friends I have over for a BBQ can be. He also doesn’t even get to tell me to get a vaccine, though I have no personal qualms with doing so. Biden is a nobody, a figurehead holding an office that simply doesn’t grant him the power to make the threats he made last night. And for that, he can go jump in a lake.


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