BREAKING: Michael Flynn Case Officially Dropped, Judge Releases Whiney, Politicized 43 Page Opinion

AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta

Over the last few days there have been rumblings that Judge Emmet Sullivan would still attempt to press the Michael Flynn case despite President Trump’s recent pardon. That wouldn’t have been surprising given the judge’s incredibly biased, politicized behavior over the last few years.


As previously covered here at RedState, the DOJ sought to dismiss the charges seven months ago based on new revelations showing the original investigation was politically charged. Flynn was targeted in an attempt to get him fired, and the agents involved did not believe he lied about anything.

Now, with no cards left to play, Sullivan is crying uncle. In a painfully long 43 page opinion, the judge is dropping the case, desiring it as “moot.”

It never should have gotten this far. Seven months ago, the DOJ’s request for dismissal included more than enough justification to see this farce put to bed immediately. Instead, Sullivan decided to embark on a political crusade, having to get smacked down by the upper courts multiple times. And unsurprisingly, he’s still trying to make political points.

Upon dismissing the case, Sullivan made it clear it doesn’t mean Flynn is “innocent,” among other things.


Regardless, this saga is over for Flynn. He’s been nearly bankrupted, smeared, called a traitor, and had his life ruined, but at least he has his freedom. That such an investigation could go forth, and that a judge could behave this way without any repercussions will just continue to encourage more of the same. No one in the swamp ever pays a price.

(Please follow me on Twitter! @bonchieredstate)



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