
OPINION: Nancy Pelosi's Response to Netanyahu Speech Was Despicable

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

Israel was viciously attacked by Hamas on Oct. 7 last year, and hundreds of its citizens were raped, murdered and taken hostage. In response, the Jewish state launched an offensive in Gaza to root out the terrorists, attempt to save the hostages, and make sure such savagery never occurs again.

Leftists in America and elsewhere have been highly critical of the operations, and with their endless violent protests, many have shown their sympathy does not lie with Israel but with the killers and sadists who started this war.

So it was a fraught political environment as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu arrived in Washington, D.C., to explain the plight of his country and to emphasize the importance of U.S. support in finishing off the conflict. In the prelude to his speech in front of Congress Wednesday, crazed demonstrators outside the Capitol waved Hamas flags while burning American ones, vandalized historic landmarks, and even dragged around a police officer. Just another day of peaceful protests in today's America.

Although Joe Biden was supposed to meet with Netanyahu, the invisible president backed out, while his supposed successor VP Kamala Harris, Pelosi, and around half of the Democrats in Congress couldn’t be bothered to hear what the Prime Minister had to say. They apparently had better things to do.

Nevertheless, Netanyahu delivered a powerful speech that earned multiple standing ovations and was highly regarded by many Republicans.

The same terrorists who hate Jews also hate Christians.

I am proud to stand unequivocally with Israel — they have the right and indeed the obligation to defend their citizens. The US should support Israel as they utterly eradicate Hamas, for as long as it takes.

Related: Netanyahu Stands by His Call for Unity, Thanking Both Biden and Trump

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It wasn’t good enough for former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), though, who once again showed she is one of the most spiteful and nasty politicians ever to grace the marbled halls of Congress.

Many of us who love Israel spent time today listening to Israeli citizens whose families have suffered in the wake of the October 7th Hamas terror attack and kidnappings. These families are asking for a ceasefire deal that will bring the hostages home – and we hope the Prime Minister would spend his time achieving that goal.

It’s astonishing that a powerful official in our country—and like her or not, she is powerful—would throw the leader of an allied nation under the bus like this. In his speech, Netanyahu pointed out that Iran is happily funding and stoking the anti-Israel protests we constantly see and that those who fall for their rhetoric are “useful idiots.” 

With this venal statement, Pelosi has proven that she is firmly in that camp.

Notice what’s also missing from her divisive message: a call to Hamas to release the hostages. It baffles me that Israel is seemingly always to blame for the terrorists’ evil acts. And what exactly are you asking them to do, Nancy—just say, "Fine, we’ll stop all operations and let Hamas regroup to attack us again if only they’ll release some of the hostages that they haven’t already murdered"? Doesn’t sound like much of a plan.

Nancy has proven before that there is almost nothing she isn’t willing to stoop to in the name of partisan politics. She famously ripped up the State of the Union speech of a sitting president on the House floor on live TV in 2020. It felt at the time like we were suddenly living in the 1860s again. Recently, she was one of the chief architects of subverting the democratic process and forcing Joe Biden to quit his reelection campaign. This led to him handing the reins to Vice President Kamala Harris, despite the fact that not a single citizen voted for her in the primaries.

This is how some of the folks who claim to “love democracy” do things:

I wrote on Monday about Pelosi's machinations to shove Biden to the side:

It wasn’t only the belated realization that he could not win that caused Biden to walk away, it was the power of Consigliere Pelosi who helped turn the tide. It’s beyond my comprehension why this extremist octogenarian California politician holds such sway, considering that she regularly spews venomous bile on cable news talk shows, often seems like she’s had a few glasses of Chardonnay, and constantly does that weird sucking thing with her lips (who else in American history has ripped up the State of the Union speech of a sitting president on the House floor?). But her influence is apparently still vast on Capitol Hill.

Pelosi has been awful for a long time, but for her to undermine a vital long-term U.S. ally as their country faces mortal peril seems despicable by even her standards. Unfortunately, that’s just who she is.


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