The Numbers Don't Lie: NYC Antisemitic Hate Crimes Shot Up 214 Percent in October

AP Photo/Seth Wenig

Antisemitism is on the rise around the world and in the United States, and new numbers out of New York City show that Jewish people are increasingly the target of hate crimes in the Big Apple. Statistics released Wednesday by the NYPD show that in October 2022, there were 22 anti-Jewish incidents, but in October of 2023, that number surged to 69, an increase of 214 percent. 


Although these numbers might not seem huge, note what RedState's Brandon Morse wrote in 2020: "The amount of antisemitic hate crime in New York is off the charts compared to the frequency of others."

In addition, it's highly likely that many, many more incidents of antisemitism are simply not being reported. Pro-Hamas graffiti and vandalism have been rampant since Hamas carried out the October 7 terror attacks against Israel, which killed at least 1,400 Israelis.

Scenes like these are becoming increasingly commonplace:

And while President Biden and VP Kamala Harris touted their anti-Islamophobia initiative at the beginning of November, hate crimes against Muslims in New York have been far fewer than those against Jews. There were no reports of anti-Muslim crimes in October 2022 and only 8 in October 2023. Compare those with the numbers above.


The New York Post editorial board weighed in on Wednesday: "The gigantic rise in antisemitic incidents in the city in the aftermath of Oct. 7 shows the absurdity of the Biden administration’s focus on Islamophobia and lecturing about the dangers to both sides," they wrote.

NYPD Chief of Detectives Joseph Kenny noted last month that “hate crime is still down [overall], but since the incident in Gaza, there’s been an uptick.” Graffiti, vandalism, and even assault have been among the crimes committed:

The majority of the recent antisemitic acts have been related to graffiti, criminal mischief and aggravated harassment — “basically almost bordering on free speech where people are yelling back and forth at each other until it takes a weird turn,” Kenny said.

A small amount of assaults have been reported, he added.

In one such assault reported around noon Wednesday, a stranger – apparently motivated by anti-Semitic hate – struck a 29-year-old man in the back of the head with an unknown object at the intersection of Ludlam Place and Sullivan Place in Prospect-Lefferts Gardens, cops said.

“I don’t like Jews,” the attacker snarled, according to police sources.

But it's not just happening in New York, it's happening all over the world:

Pro-Hamas Extremists Attack Israel Supporters—Right in Front of LA's Museum of Tolerance


Tragic: Teen Murders 20-Year Old Israeli-American Soldier as She Patrols Border in Jerusalem's Old City

Antisemitism on the March in Canada: Pro-Palestinian Protesters Plan Recreation of Infamous Nazi Atrocity

NEW: 'He Stalked Us' - Friend of Jewish Man Killed in California Says Pro-Hamas Group Targeted Them

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Don't expect strong statements from the White House—Joe Biden is too worried about losing Michigan in the 2024 presidential election to make a principled stand or call out the antisemitism arising from within the ranks of his own party. Instead, he and Kamala will keep crowing about Islamophobia while the antisemitic hate in this country rages on. 


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