No Accountability: Resolution to Censure Rashida Tlaib Fails in House

Tom Williams/Pool via AP

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) has a history of divisive remarks and toxic behavior, but on Wednesday the House of Representatives nevertheless voted down a resolution to censure her for her antisemitic rants and her cheering on of an “insurrection" at the Capitol.


Almost two dozen Republicans joined every single House Democrat in voting to table the resolution and give Tlaib, a member of the progressive "Squad," a pass. The final tally was 222-186. Democrats broke out into applause after the vote, because that's who they are. Many Dems have been largely silent on the myriad recent incidents of antisemitism and pro-Hamas rhetoric coming from the House to college campuses to the streets of our cities.

The resolution was sponsored by Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), who had earlier Wednesday expressed hopes for its success on social media. She also posted a series of appearances and statements that showed Tlaib spouting anti-Israel rhetoric:  

"I mean I really think it's important to understand that Israel is a racist state," Tlaib charges in one clip. "This [Israel] is an apartheid system," she says in another. Also shown is Tlaib riling up a charged crowd in front of the Capitol. I thought that was supposed to be "a danger to democracy" in the eyes of Democrats.


Greene lashed out at her fellow Republicans who voted against the resolution, calling them "feckless":

She also aired her disgust with Democrats, writing:

Must be great to be a Democrat. They all stick together to destroy our country and cover up each others lies and stand unified to protect Tlaib - Hamas Caucus. But Republicans just join Democrats and vote to destroy our country and our party.

Rep. Tim Walberg (R-MI) explained that he voted against the resolution because he believes in free speech, even if he disagreed with Tlaib's rhetoric:

"As much as I disagree with previous comments made by Rep. Tlaib, First Amendment liberties are for every American, and I will support this constitutional right, whether the speaker is on the political left or right and whether they are speaking heinous lies or harsh truths," Walberg said. 

"When we hear evil speech, we should not look to the government for the answer but rather speak up as individuals to denounce it."


There are arguments on both sides, but the real way to censure Toxic Tlaib is to vote her out of office in 2024. Michiganders, send her packing and let her take her antisemitism somewhere else.

See also:

The 'Squad' Votes Against Resolution Condemning Hamas Terror, 'Complete Disgrace'

Hamas Caucus Leader Rashida Tlaib Tells on Herself in Latest Statement on Blast Near Gaza Hospital

VIDEO: Rashida Tlaib Has No Comment When Asked About Hamas Beheading Israeli Babies


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