Identified: LAPD Captain Who Tried to Protect Former CBS Exec Moonves From Sex Assault Allegations

Retired LAPD Captain Cory Palka. Credit: Twitter/LA City Councilman Mitch O'Farrell

On Wednesday, we reported that CBS and its former president and CEO Leslie Moonves agreed to pay $30.5 million to settle allegations of insider trading, with New York Attorney General Letitia James stating that he and the network actively tried in 2018 to cover up a burgeoning sexual assault scandal. That coverup misled investors, the AG asserted, and amounted to insider trading when some of the executives traded millions in CBS stock before the allegations became public.


What caught my eye, though, was that James’ report also claimed an unnamed LAPD police captain tipped off Moonves and CBS execs about the investigation and gave them inside information about its progress.

Now, that officer has been identified by the LAPD, the Associated Press reports Thursday:

The Los Angeles Police Department later identified the captain as Cory Palka, who retired last year in the rank of commander after 34 years in the department. He had served as the commanding officer of the Hollywood Division for more than three years. He did not respond to multiple requests for comment Thursday.

James had said her office had obtained text messages revealing that Palka shared confidential information and worked with CBS executives and Moonves for months to prevent the sex complaint from becoming public.

The LAPD issued its own statement on the matter:

I’m not sure why their statement seems to have been written on a 1940s typewriter, but luckily they also printed the information on the LAPD website:

It has recently come to the attention of the Los Angeles Police Department that the New York Attorney General is conducting an investigation involving the actions of a former command officer of the Department while assigned as a Captain to Hollywood Division. We are fully cooperating with the New York and California Attorney General offices and have also initiated an internal investigation regarding the conduct of the retired command officer as well as to identify any other member(s) of the organization that may have been involved.

Chief Michel Moore has stated: “What is most appalling is the alleged breach of trust of a victim of sexual assault, who is among the most vulnerable, by a member of the LAPD. This erodes the public trust and is not reflective of our values as an organization.”


Palka appeared to have a cozy relationship with Hollywood players and celebrities. This photo was taken after his alleged attempts at coverup:

Writes the AP:

The towering cop with a telegenic smile hobnobbed with celebrities getting stars on the Walk of Fame, ran security for the Oscars awards show and even landed a bit part playing himself on the television drama “Bosch” about a talented but troubled maverick LAPD detective.

LAPD cops have long flirted with the limelight, providing private security for the glitterati and for movie sets and acting as protective forces at parties and awards shows. It would seem that retired police captain Cory Palka liked the Tinseltown lifestyle just a little too much, however, and sold out his principles just so he could rub elbows with the powerful.

Time will tell if the presumably red-faced LAPD actually investigates this incident and makes a report, or if they just memory-hole the sordid affair and hope everyone eventually forgets.



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