Sanctuary City Chicago Mayor Johnson Won't Say How Much Is Being Spent on Illegal Immigrant Shelters

AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast

I have said it before, and I will say it again. It is all fun and games, calling yourself a "sanctuary city" until you actually have to be one. But I think I can safely add something to that. It is all fun and games until you have to be one, and then the residents of your city begin to see that they have become second-class citizens in said sanctuary city. It is what is taking place in many cities across the U.S. as Joe Biden's illegal immigrant nightmare rolls merrily along with no signs of letting up. But in Chicago, the progressive Democrat mayor the people voted for to keep Chicago's sanctuary city status in place refuses to say just exactly where millions of their tax dollars are going to pay for the illegal immigrants coming into their city. 


Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has sent approximately 34,000 immigrants claiming to be seeking asylum to Chicago in the past 18 months. So far, the price tag for Windy City taxpayers is upwards of $300 million, and they are in a tug-of-war with the state of Illinois about where more shelters could be located. The state has at least attempted transparency about the illegal immigrants coming into the state in general by adding a tracking page to the state comptroller's website, but Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson dodges questions from the media about where all of the money is going. 

Here is just a sample of what is being spent on some of the city's immigrant shelters — the ones that the city is being transparent about. The Ogden shelter houses around 1,000 immigrants and receives $150,000 per week. The Pilsen shelter houses 2,000 immigrants and receives $280,000 per week. As an extra added bonus, an outbreak of measles has occurred at the Pilsen location, and currently, there are 14 cases. The city appears to be hiring private companies to staff the shelters as a way of being less than honest about where the money is going. Kansas-based companies Favorite Health Care has received $206 million, and Kentucky-based Equitable Social Solutions has received $45 million to "identify and facilitate which shelters are selected through the help of another company, Chicago-based Reloshare."


Chicago City Council Meetings have become raucous affairs as residents become more and more angry about illegal immigrants coming into the city and being given resources while areas of the city that could use those resources where Americans live are being woefully neglected. Residents voiced their feelings at a February meeting. One resident stated:

"All this asylum-seeking lie, all this about refugees — no, no, no. What's happening is they're emptying out the dregs of their jails into the United States and to our communities."

Another said:

"They're junking up our country. And yeah, we feel some kind of way about it because it's our country. We're going to get them out of our communities because they don't deserve to be there." 

Referring to Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker's recently announced plans to dish out another $252 million for Chicago area illegal immigrants, one other resident said there should be "not another dollar for illegals!" Incredibly, Mayor Johnson is sticking to his progressive ideology, stating that the immigrant influx is "unsustainable," but because he has declared Chicago a sanctuary city, they have to be taken in. No word on whether he has said that in front of his constituents.


Chicago is not the only place where the true nature of the illegal immigrant crisis is being disguised. My colleague Nick Arama recently reported that Border Patrol Union President Brandon Judd said he believes that President Joe Biden is cooking the numbers of illegal immigrants coming into the country by flying them in instead of them being counted at the southern border. Judd called the operation "a bait and switch" and added, “They’re just gonna keep the numbers at around 5,000 [border crossings per day], parole people in and say, ‘Oh, look, we cut our numbers down.’” Judd also predicted an “amnesty program in the future." As if on queue, Biden recently announced he was considering giving out green cards and granting amnesty to illegal immigrants who have been in the country for more than 10 years and met certain requirements. 

Meanwhile in Chicago, angry residents are reminded every day of something one of the city's most famous sons once said: "Elections have consequences."


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