Mixed-Bag of Goodies This Halloween Night

(AP Photo/Matt Volz)

We’re moving into the final hours of the 10th month of 2021, all but perched (at least figuratively) on the doorstep of All Hallows’ Eve night, best known as Halloween. And this year, RedState has kept readers up to date on matters — both controversial and kooky — that relate to the holiday on the political front.


For instance, my colleague Jim Thompson shared an urgent message Friday, for anyone who wants to snag one of this season’s scariest Halloween costumes with his cartoon (see “Fauci Halloween Costumes: Reduced to Sell“).

Then the Anti-Defamation League has been out there this year, seriously warning families about what they see as the destructive, racist messages in every day Halloween costumes many of us grew up with as kids. And we turned out — well, not as bigots, after all.

Not to be outdone, officials at one Michigan public school district tried to instruct parents that it’s better if educators scrap Halloween in the classroom — for the sake of the children and being “inclusive,” you know. Must be contagious, because we also saw the same thing up in Seattle … at an elementary school.

But, as the hours creep into the nighttime of this spooktastic time of year, how can we remind ourselves of the fun, lighthearted nature of the holiday? I think I found the answer!

Last night, I happened upon this photo on the Twitters. And it has an unexpected, positive message about families and fatherhood. (Click below to see full image)


If you didn’t pick up on the reference for the costumes, it’s an adorable nod to “A League Of Their Own” — Dad is Jimmy Dugan (Tom Hanks’ character), the manager of the Rockford Peaches all-female pro baseball team, and the girls are some of the co-starring women ballplayers.

As the user notes, it might not even have a connection to Halloween. What I see is the group possibly getting into the spirit of the World Series (which may or may not finish up tonight in Atlanta; check out our Jerry Wilson’s coverage of the Fall Classic here, here, and here).

But, whatever the reason, it’s just a dad and his girls hanging out. C’mon, this really needs an adorable alert, right?


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