CA RECALL: California GOP Makes Right Move; No Endorsement in Replacement Race

AP Photo/Ringo H.W. Chiu

Stop the presses! The California GOP has come to a sensible decision.

In a laudable move, the state Republican Party released word today on the results out of a delegates’ meeting about the upcoming recall special election meant to oust current Governor Gavin Newsom (D) and, if that question succeeds with voters, they hope to replace him with one of four, endorsed Republican candidates.


According to a statement by California Republican Party Chairwoman Jessica Millan Patterson, Golden state delegates will not endorse a recall candidate in the September election.

The CAGOP made the announcement in a press release Saturday: (emphasis mine)

SACRAMENTO – Today, California Republican Party Chairwoman Jessica Millan Patterson released the following statement on the CAGOP delegates’ decision not to endorse a candidate in the recall election of Gavin Newsom:

“Today’s overwhelming decision by our delegates to offer no endorsement speaks to the strength of our field of candidates and the outstanding position our party is in going into the recall election. We are squarely focused on putting California back on track by recalling the worst governor in California history. Gavin Newsom is arrogant, incompetent and a desperate politician who has failed Californians in every way possible. The state is burning, crime is spiking, homelessness is rampant, students have fallen behind, and taxes are suffocating working people. On September 14th, voters will end the Newsom nightmare once and for all and finally restore good governing to California.”

The CAGOP delegates’ decision occurred at a virtual endorsement meeting this morning. The four candidates who had qualified to be considered for the CAGOP’s endorsement were: Larry Elder, Kevin Faulconer, Kevin Kiley and Doug Ose. At the meeting, RNC National Committeewoman Harmeet Dhillon and RNC National Committeeman Shawn Steel put forward a motion to table the agenda item to vote on an endorsement so no endorsement would be issued in the recall race. The delegates passed this motion with nearly 90 percent support. The meeting was then adjourned.


Essentially, what this “overwhelming” majority of Republican delegates is saying — with one voice — is that the party will focus their attention on turning out the vote for “yes on question 1,” which would recall Newsom and begin to reclaim the state from his disastrous and dangerous progressive policies.

What this also means is that state GOP grassroots members aren’t divided or seeking to spark an internecine war, as some party insiders had fretted about in recent weeks.

My colleagues have provided extensive coverage of the Newsom recall effort (as readers can see here; here; here, and here).

Every once in a while, even on a lazy, August Saturday, it’s a relief to catch blue-state Republicans accidentally doing something right for a change.


Editor’s note: this article was edited for clarity after publication; there are around 46 Republican candidates vying to replace Newsom, but just four qualified for endorsement by the CAGOP. 


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