SGA Judicial Candidate Is Canned After Quoting the Bible — Courts Don't Need Religious Nuts

AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana

In not-so-long ago America, quoting the Bible wasn’t cause for alarm. But in our recently-reconfigured country, proceed with caution where the Good Book is concerned.


Case in point: College student Mya Little.

On June 29, she attended a University of Houston Student Government Association meeting. Mya was seeking a seat as an SGA Supreme Court associate justice.

As part of that pursuit, she delivered a speech. But it appears she lost the job as soon as she began.

School paper The Daily Cougar reports Mya opened with a verse from the Holy Bible.

Following that recitation, she explained to the group:

“I read that scripture months ago, and it really inspired me. It made me realize that the world, to me — and in my eyes — is made out of love.”

They weren’t similarly inspired:

Though Little did go on to say that her love was not conditional on the basis of religion, race or political creed, the religious tone of her introductory speech seemed to strike a chord of doubt in some of the assembled SGA members.

Liberal Arts and Social Sciences Sen. Marie McGrew sought to address these concerns during the questioning phase. Stressing the crucial nature of bias as it applies to the Supreme Court, McGrew asked Little how she intended to account for, and contend with, her own latent biases.

Mya replied with a wacky theory — people can civilly disagree, and that doesn’t cause harm:

“’Bias’ has a very negative connotation. I have an opinion. So long as respect is being exchanged between one another, I don’t feel like opinions need to be labeled as biases.”


But the bunch was bothered due to the reversal of Roe v. Wade. The way they saw it, the radically religious U.S. Supreme Court had wreaked havoc with their blurring of church and state.

Several senators immediately objected to what they saw as Little’s potential for bias, both in her religious conviction as well as her perceived failure to account for her own latent bias. Senate Speaker Aryana Azizi highlighted the heightened concern around religious influence in government in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.

Aryana talked tone-deafness

“I personally think it’s a little bit tone deaf, given the current political climate. I don’t think now is the time to be preaching about religion, given the clear lack of separation of church and state in our federal government.”

The situation seems in line with the past several years of media framing: Though America consists of two increasingly polarized camps, conservative things are “controversial” whereas left-wing things are not. It’s possible plenty in the SGA believe all “normal” people were wrecked by Roe’s repeal.

As for law, of course, the high court’s decision had a legal — not ecclesiastical — basis: Privacy is not explicitly conferred by the Constitution. Neither, incidentally, is separation of church and state.


Regardless, Mya and her traditional values got the boot.

It’s a shame — the SGA crew missed an intersectional shot:

[L]ittle ultimately failed to receive the necessary two-thirds of the vote required to be appointed to the SGA Supreme Court. This came as a disappointment to several SGA members, as Little would have been the first Black woman to serve as an SGA Supreme Court justice.

Perhaps they’re waiting for a Ketanji Brown Jackson-type.

Surely, she’ll come along soon enough.



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