WATCH: Congresswoman Claims There Are Two Sexes, Graduating Class Blasts Her With Boos

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The culture has rapidly changed, and that’s nowhere more evident than among college students.

Case in point: A commencement speaker was recently booed during an address at the University of Wyoming.


Republican congresswoman Cynthia Lummis was orating at the school’s graduation when she stepped into treacherous territory.

The state’s first female U.S. senator almost escaped unscathed…

But right at the end — amid a heralding of America — she went boldly biological:

“And lastly, you woke up this morning with more individual freedom in the most creative, divinely-inspired nation on Earth. The transformations and disruptions I have alluded to are testing those very freedoms. … [T]here are those in government who believe, not that the Creator endowed us with inalienable rights as the founders of our nation acknowledged in the Declaration of Independence, but that government created those rights. And that government should redefine those rights — including our rights to freedom of speech, religion, property, assembly, and to keep and bear arms. Even fundamental scientific truths — such as the existence of two sexes, male and female — are subject to challenge these days.”

As for being subject to challenge, the crowd confirmed her claim.

Boos rang loudly.

And then: more boos.

Following that: additional boos.

Cynthia attempted to save herself:

“You know, I, uh, and I challenge those of you — I’m not making a comment on the fact that there are people who transition between sexes.”


It was ugly, indeed.

Putting the crowd’s rejection behind, she pummeled the pandemic to a resurfacing of applause.

“I personally question how, under our Constitution, we could forbid in-person worship services during a pandemic while labeling liquor stores as essential and keeping them open (clapping recommences). And how the creation of a government disinformation board is not an affront to free speech. (mild handclaps are heard).”

As you’re surely aware, the sexual binary has substantially fallen out of favor:

Harvard Professor Insists There Are Two Sexes, Colleague Is ‘Appalled’

Professor Gets Kicked out of Neuroscience Group After Suggesting There Are Two Sexes

High School Biology Class Tells Kids Biological Sex Is a Social Construct

Report: Three Middle Schoolers Have Been Charged With Sexual Harassment for Not Using ‘They/Them’ Pronouns

Back to Senator Cynthia, it seems her heckling reveals a change among young people in two ways.

For one, of course, past audiences would’ve agreed there are only males and females. But furthermore, contemporary adolescents have been taught to shout down dissent.

In the 1980s, for example, had a commencement speaker stated there were five sexes, students would likely have just looked at one another and shrugged. In fact, I’m not sure what comment from the podium could’ve possibly engendered boos amid past generations of twenty-somethings.


But these days, it’s an extra tough crowd.

Either way, as Texas Democratic State Representative James Talarico has made clear, the claim of five sexes would’ve been as wrong as Cynthia’s touting of two:



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Report: Three Middle Schoolers Have Been Charged With Sexual Harassment for Not Using ‘They/Them’ Pronouns

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Find all my RedState work here.

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