America's Largest Defense Contractor Fixes Its White Male Executives With Anti-White Privilege Training

(AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon)

How do you get white dudes to deconstruct the wickedness in which they wallow?

Well, ya gotta…you know, force ’em to.

That appears to be the thinking at Lockheed Martin.


As relayed by City Journal’s Christopher Rufo, last year, America’s biggest defense contractor virtually shipped off 13 white male executives for some course correction.

The report indicates they were given three days of Zoom training to break down “white male culture” and explore ways to make up for “white male privilege.”

Christopher obtained alleged materials from the training, and it looks as if the guys were squarely schooled.

The classes were hosted by WMFDP, otherwise known as “White Men as Full Diversity Partners.”

From the firm’s website:

When companies engage white males alongside their peers from different backgrounds, marginalized groups are freed from the exhausting work of coaching white men to understand their world. Most white men want to help. They just don’t know how.

Hence, WMFDP is “intentionally including the group of folks who are rarely part of the conversation yet typically hold all the power — the ‘dominant leadership culture,’ which is white males in the U.S.”

To be clear:

Women and people of color cannot carry the burden alone.

It’s good they’re spreading out the strain — people at Lockheed Martin probably already have their hands full with work.

After all, per its “Capabilities” page, the contractor deals with aircraft, autonomous and unmanned systems, electronic warfare, integrated air and missile defense, weapons systems, and outer space — to name a few items of planetary importance.

Toward the goal of racial righteousness, the anti-whiteness program offered staffers such as a retired Air Force lieutenant colonel and a vice president of production for the Air Force’s $1.7 trillion F-35 fighter jet program an exercise in free association.


They were asked to link words to “white men.”

According to the documents, here’s some of what turned up:

  • old
  • racist
  • privileged
  • anti-women
  • angry
  • Aryan Nation
  • KKK
  • founding fathers
  • guns
  • guilty
  • chauvinist
  • don’t listen

They were also told to list “assumptions about white men & diversity.”

Amid the results:

  • White men don’t care about diversity and are only doing it because we have to
  • Lack of action
  • Lip service
  • If others win, we lose
  • Arrogant
  • We can’t lead diversity
  • We are a barrier

The group was gifted a handful of readings, including this quote:

The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.

As for seeing clearly, many race-conscious institutions are presently pushing a new worldview.

In Virginia recently, a kids’ Little League Baseball association had coaches attend an “antiracism” seminar.

And this week, a post by the American Psychiatry Association told therapists they must learn to see racism all over:

[I]ncrease awareness and acknowledge that racism exists everywhere…

One doctor suggested, “If you look for racism, you’ll find it everywhere. It’s like looking at the world through a new pair of glasses… You have to make it a habit to see the world through this lens and learn to address it, especially when you’re working with patients. … We are all soaked in racism.”

In trying to expose eyeballs to the Super Soaker of sexist, sexual, pigment-based bigotry, Lockheed’s Zoom classes provided 50 “White Privilege” statements, 59 “Male Privilege” statements, and 47 “Heterosexual Privilege” statements.


The following’s evidently a bit of what it’s like to be a straight white male:

  • My culture teaches me to minimize the perspectives and powers of people of other races.
  • My shape, bearing, or body odor are not taken as a reflection of my race.
  • If I need to move, I can be pretty sure that I will be able to rent or purchase affordable housing where I want to live.
  • I can dismiss another’s voice with little or no consequence when he or she is the only member of their group.
  • If I declare there is a racial issue at hand, or there isn’t a racial issue at hand, my race will lend me more credibility for either position than a person of color will have.
  • I can think over many options — social, political, or professional — without needing to analyze how difficult it would be for a person of my race to succeed in that endeavor.
  • I can choose public accommodations without fearing that people of my race will be unwelcome or will be mistreated.
  • In an argument with a woman, I have a better chance at being seen as “reasonable” in our culture.
  • I am not expected to be overly attentive or to wait on people.
  • I am rarely if ever judged on the cleanliness or neatness of my house.
  • I am often taken more seriously.
  • If I have children and provide primary care for them, I’ll be praised for extraordinary parenting if I’m even marginally competent.
  • I can take and develop photos of my toddler at bath time without having my motivation questioned.
  • Nobody calls me “straight” with maliciousness.

The crew was also served “I’m Tired Of” statements from nonwhites, such as…

  • I am tired of hearing that you cannot find qualified People of Color
  • I am tired of hearing about the humber of black women on welfare — when Whites utilize these services more than Blacks
  • I am tired of having my children get poor school guidance counseling because they are Hispanic (same thing I experienced in the ’70’s)
  • I am tired of neighbors coming over to my house and asking to meet the new homeowners
  • I am tired of the rudeness in retail and service settings — of not being treated the same
  • I’m tired of people assuming that I am a sports star because of my income
  • I’m tired of the desire or comment to remove race — the concept that we should be “colorblind”
  • I’m tired of being Black

Additionally, WMFDP furnished “I’m Tired Of” remarks from women.

A selection:

  • I’m tired of being asked to smile
  • I’m tired of never having a female boss
  • I’m tired of trying to be heard in a roomful of men
  • I’m tired of trying to absorb sports statistics on ESPN while I work out just so I can converse with men at work
  • I’m tired of being forgotten or left out of meetings for which I have prepared critical information
  • I’m tired of hearing that I”m too sensitive

To further understand their spoiled plight, the men were suggested videos such as White Men: Time to Discover Your Cultural Blind Spots and Donna and Bob — Unlikely Friendship.

Another was 48 Things Women Hear in a Lifetime (That Men Just Don’t). The four dozen+ items include the ostensibly common “You drink whiskey?” and “What war on reproductive rights?”


Experienced men may also recall the frequency with which they ask women, “Oh, you travel alone? Is that like an Eat, Pray, Love thing?”

Another apparent repeat offender: “Your drive is kind of intimidating.”

On Wednesday, in response to the City Journal piece, Lockheed Martin issued a statement.

So far as I can tell — unlike a White Men Training as Full Diversity Partners course — the message didn’t communicate any notable ideas:

Lockheed Martin has robust employee training programs focused on our core values of doing what is right, respecting others, and performing with excellence. Like many corporations, we employ multiple vendors and continuously evaluate the effectiveness of training programs to ensure they are aligned with our values, applicable laws and regulations, and incorporate employee feedback and best practices.

Either way, Americans can sleep better at night knowing a baker’s dozen of white males defending the nation now realize their lot is old, ineffective, racist, sexist, and unable to listen.

Moreover, they finally understand that — unlike folks who are straight, Caucasian, and male — some Americans are judged by their B.O., have to consider cost when buying a home, are expected to pay close attention, aren’t praised for mediocre parenting, are unfavored for dirty homes, encounter rudeness from store employees, and can’t just shrug off other races.


In defense parlance, Mission Accomplished.



See more pieces from me:

Amazon Buys MGM, and I’m Hoping Against a Pot of Gold

Biden Plan Pushes ‘Antiracist’ Therapy for White Teachers, Fights the ‘Spirit-Murder’ of Nonwhites

American Psychiatry Association Condemns the ‘Structural Racism’ Murder of George Floyd

Find all my RedState work here.

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