Parents Group Launches 'Schoolhouse Shock' Program to Expose Classroom Radicalism

(Gwen R. Cario/The Awty International School via AP)

A group in North Carolina is trying to counter classroom indoctrination.

On Monday, Education First Alliance launched its “Schoolhouse Shock” program.


The system allows parents to report instances of radicalism in public education.

Whistleblowers can submit anonymous tips about, for example, inflammatory race-related messaging.

In a press release, President Sloan Rachmuth said she hopes to hold schools accountable:

“Parents are…frustrated at the lack of transparency and accountability for what is being taught in North Carolina’s schools.”

Sloan noted what she considers a tragic transformation:

“We named our program ‘Schoolhouse Shock’ because it is shocking that schools have gone from being a cocoon where children could happily develop to a divisive cauldron where playing the game of identity politics reigns supreme.”

To be sure, she isn’t only concerned about racial rhetoric:

“Our new statewide whistleblower program…will add to our toolbox in the fight against the onslaught of racially inflammatory and sexualized curriculums that children are being immersed in all over North Carolina.”

To hear the Alliance tell it, the public education complex has become a thing of intimidation:

We want to help families end the fear and harassment coming from our public schools…

It does appear the system may have grown in power.

Last month, I covered the case of Virginia’s Loudoun County Public Schools:

[F]aculty were allegedly involved in a “secret enemies list targeting parents who are concerned that the schools’ ‘equity’ policies amount to political indoctrination.”

From The Daily Wire at the time:


A group of current and former teachers and others in Loudoun County, Virginia, compiled a lengthy list of parents suspected of disagreeing with school system actions, including its teaching of controversial racial concepts — with a stated purpose in part to “infiltrate,” use “hackers” to silence parents’ communications, and “expose these people publicly.”


Secret communications…do not offer any evidence of racism by the group’s targets. Their opponents were apparently those who objected to, sought to debate, or were even simply “neutral” about “critical race theory,” a radical philosophy opposed by many liberals and conservatives but increasingly embraced by governments.

What’s taught to children has certainly changed. The last few years have seen a multitude of headlines indicating a sharp turn from merely Reading, Writing, and ‘Rithmetic:

In light of the evolution, Education First Alliance is “asking whistleblowers to submit verifiable information about school wrongdoing to the Schoolhouse Shock website. [EFA] is partnering with legal organizations, investigative journalists, and advocacy groups to expose and stop abusive and racially discriminatory policies and practices in North Carolina schools. The identity of all whistleblowers will be protected.”


The organization says it hopes to “expose the truth” of what transpires in classrooms.

There’s certainly a lot of class in The Tar Heel State — it’s the 9th largest school system in America, housing over 1.5 million kids via more than 2600 schools.

EFA will “use investigative journalism to spotlight various problems facing North Carolina’s K-12 education system – the corruption of local school board members, the misdoings of the NCAE teachers’ union, administrators’ abuse of power, and injustice in all its forms.”

“We conduct our investigations,” the group proclaims, “without fear or favor.”



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