Gov. Gretchen Whitmer Asks Citizens to Stop in-Person Sports, Indoor Gatherings Themselves

Democratic National Convention via AP

Should in-person youth sports be canceled?

Gretchen Whitmer says, “Yes.”

In fact, the Michigan governor is asking schools and other athletics organizations to voluntarily suspend their in-person activities in an effort to slow the spread of COVID-19.


Her prescribed span: two weeks.

But — as noted by The Associated Press — she’s asking rather than telling.

And she’s got her reasons: As previously noted by RedState’s Bonchie, Michigan’s currently saddled with America’s highest new-infection rate.

Over the last month, hospitalizations related to the virus have more than quadrupled.

Those numbers are pegging the meter at 90% of the state’s peak a year ago.

Hence, some medical centers are rain-checking non-emergency procedures.

At a press conference — wearing a mask while alone at the mic —  the governor encouraged people to get the vaccine.

“We have to do this together. Lives depend on it. We’re going to have some tough weeks ahead. So I’m asking everyone — please, take this seriously.”

How seriously? In addition to sports riding the bench, she wants high schools to transition to virtual learning.

Furthermore, she’d like to see residents of the state choose outdoor dining or get it to go.

She’d prefer that the citizenry avoid friendly indoor gatherings.

And all of it, willingly.

Tall order?

In addition to a statewide lifestyle change, Whitmer wishes for more vaccines.

She called on the Biden administration to send ’em.

Per the AP, the White House is contributing supplemental resources but not additional doses.

As for injections, here are the stats:

About 40 percent of the state’s residents ages 16 and older have gotten at least one vaccine shot, including 69 percent of those 65 and up. Chief medical officers of Michigan hospitals said vaccines are proving to be more than 99 percent effective in preventing illness, hospitalization and death.


However, there’s a sizable “but”:

But they warned that variants are more contagious and deadly, and bringing more young people to the hospital.

Gretchen’s not alone in her concern over sports.

Michigan’s health department is telling face-to-face school programs to enroll in a rapid-testing program. In fact, it’s mandatory for teens in athletics.

Presently, amid the rise in cases comes a lack of tracing.

Chief Medical Executive Dr. Joneigh Khaldun punctuated the problem:

“Because we are seeing so many cases a day, our public health system is overwhelmed. We are not able to get information on many cases, nor are we able to identify their close contacts.”

As for official orders, will Gretchen take a stab at another stay-at-home go ’round?

That remains to be seen.

For the time being, she explained, “It is less of a policy problem that we have and more of a compliance and variant issue that we are confronting as a state.”

But nothing’s out of the question.

“At this point, we think it’s important that people understand how very serious this moment is.”

As you surely recall, last year, not everyone was happy with the governor’s…governance:


As for Gretchen’s two-week timetable, it might be said that cynics can’t be blamed: You may recall America’s national “15 Days to Slow the Spread.”

As of April 10th, that began 391 days ago.

It’s been a long, long two weeks.

Are you game for another couple?



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