Former Federal Anti-Semitism Official Accuses Alyssa Milano of 'Holocaust Denial' Over CPAC 'Nazi' Symbol

(Photo by Willy Sanjuan/Invision/AP)

If you were hosting a conference, would you choose a backdrop based on an icon of evil?

Would you do it as a dog whistle to those similarly sinister?

Ideologically, would you select a sect grounded in socialism, the removal of individual liberties, a disarming of the populace, an expansion of and increased reliance upon government, and an emphasis on identity groups?


According to one celebrity, it seems, if so, you might be right-wing.

As covered by RedState’s Nick Arama, Alyssa Milano accused organizers of the 2021 Conservative Political Action Conference — aka CPAC — of designing a staged salute to Naziism.

On Saturday, the actress made the assertion via Instagram:


Accompanying the claim: a photo of the center-pointed stage featuring rear left and right flanks.

Alyssa also called to Hyatt over hosting such a Hitlerish hoedown.

“[Hyatt], this is what’s happening in your building. [Sen. Ted Cruz], you stood on this stage.”

That would be Ted, to whom the star once said in a meeting on the 2nd Amendment, “Your stance has made you almost like this caricature of a villain, and that’s why this meeting was so important for me, because I wanted to look at you in the eye and know that you’re really a human with a heartbeat.”


Cardiac activity — I’m assuming — not confirmed.

As noted by Nick, Alyssa wasn’t alone in being aghast.

The event’s lead organizer — Matt Schlapp — contends he didn’t work up a weekend of wickedness:

“Stage design conspiracies are outrageous and slanderous. We have a long standing commitment to the Jewish community. Cancel culture extremists must address antisemitism within their own ranks. CPAC proudly stands with our Jewish allies, including those speaking from this stage.”


It’s understandable that some may fear the convention’s brewing brutality.

As CNN trumpeted Thursday, “CPAC Conservative Conference Set to Indulge Lies About the 2020 Election.”

Nonetheless, Hyatt released a statement.

As it turns out, they’re committed to “diversity”:

“We take pride in operating a highly inclusive environment and we believe that the facilitation of gatherings is a central element of what we do as a hospitality company. We believe in the right of individuals and organizations to peacefully express their views, independent of the degree to which the perspectives of those hosting meetings and events at our hotels align with ours,” they added. “Our own values support a culture that is characterized by empathy, respect and diversity of opinions and backgrounds, and we strive to bring this to light through what we do and how we engage with those in our care.”

Back to Alyssa, she’s not buying it:


If Nazis are renting out convention centers, spreading lies, and showcasing shapes, people should indeed be incensed.

As for the alleged symbolic sin, Ellie Cohanim has thoughts.

She’s the former U.S. Deputy Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism.

On Sunday, Ellie accused Alyssa of Holocaust denial:

“All those who use the word ‘Nazi’ to describe their political opponents are engaging in Holocaust denialism. The Nazis systematically murdered 6 million Jews. Fools like @Alyssa_Milano are belittling the attempted genocide of #Jews and the memory of the 6 million.”

Where the German N-word’s concerned, it seems to me American politics has never seen such a guaranteed go-to.

It also appears we live in a world that can’t process the high stakes of what actually occurred amid Hitler’s reign.

A lot has changed in 80 years.

Around the middle of the twentieth century, millions were murdered due solely to their race.

These days, social justice warriors are being told to take naps to erase racism:



Still, I doubt the label will soon be leaving our lexicon.

Brace for many more “Nazi” nods, regardless of how — in our ongoing arena of debate — America’s stage is set.



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Find all my RedState work here.

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