Follower of Christ Denzel Washington Speaks Out in Support of America's Law Enforcement

(AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)


Denzel Washington has a message for the police:

He’s for ’em.

In an interview with Yahoo Entertainment published Thursday, the superstar said he has “respect” for what law enforcement agents do.


That’s probably a good thing, as he’s played cops multiple times — such as in 2006’s Inside Man, co-starring Clive Owen and Jodie Foster.

Another officer outing: His 1999 team-up with Angelina Jolie, The Bone Collector.

The way Washington sees it, those sacrificing their lives for our safety deserve our reverence.

At risk is not only our safety, but our ability to speak freely — including in condemnation of cops:

“I have the utmost respect for what they do, for what our soldiers do, [people] that sacrifice their lives. I just don’t care for people who put those kind of people down. If it weren’t for them, we would not have the freedom to complain about what they do.”

One experience aiding his attitude was related to research for a role.

Evidently, the actor went on a ride-along:

“I went out on call with a sergeant. We got a call of a man outside his house with a rifle that was distraught. We pulled up and did a U-turn past the house and came up short of the house. He told me to sit in the car, which I was gonna do. I wasn’t getting out. He got out. As he got out, another car came screaming up and two young people jumped out screaming. As it turned out, it was their grandfather. This policeman defused the entire situation by just remaining calm.”

As every officer knows, a situation can go south in less than a second.

Peace can be overtaken by chaos, safety can be penetrated by threat. In an instant, a routine stop can become anything but.


Denzel pondered such things as the sergeant settled everyone down:

“But it showed me in an instant how they can lose their life… He didn’t overreact. He could’ve pulled his gun out and shot the people that came up driving real fast. He could have shot the old man that was distraught and a bit confused, I think he was suffering a little bit from dementia. But in an instant, it taught me, and I never forgot it, what our law enforcement people have to deal with moment-to-moment, second to second.”

His tribute to the men and women in blue is a standout among the Hollywood crowd, some of whom donated to bail out summer protestors. Among their chants: “Death to police.”

Then again, Denzel’s done far more outlying things relative to Tinseltown’s toed line.

For startling evidence, look no further than my June 29th piece, “Hollywood Star Denzel Washington Recalls the Moment He Gave His Life to Christ.”

It changed his trajectory:

“I was filled with the Holy Ghost, and it scared me. I said, ‘Wait a minute, I didn’t want to go this deep. I want to party.’”

Back to his acting, I for one will watch anything in which he appears.

Onscreen, the man’s performances are always awash in conviction.

And as evidenced above, his convictions are more than skin deep.

Are you ready for a new Denzel vehicle?

Get your motor runnin’ for January 29th’s The Little Things.

Also starring Jared Leto, the film marks Mr. Washington’s 13th time portraying a policeman.


See the icon shine once more — in theaters and on HBO Max.

I’m sure he’ll be…arresting.

Oh — and one more thing: Denzel didn’t merely realize the sergeant he accompanied deescalated a situation; he later put it into practice himself:

That deserves respect, too.



See more pieces from me:

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Find all my RedState work here.

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