Private Party: An Egyptian Woman Is Arrested for Cooking Crotchety Cupcakes

Sean Kilpatrick

Do you ache for cisgender sweets?

Do you yearn for binary baked goods?

In these pitifully pandemic’d times, is a good old-fashioned genital-themed cupcake just what the doctor ordered?


If so — and if you happen to hail from Egypt — you’ve been in luck: A lady was makin’ em.

But your luck’s already run out: She got arrested for it.

As reported by The Guardian, for a private birthday party at a “sporting club in a wealthy Cairo neighborhood,” a chef created some crotchety confections that may land her in the Klink.

It was a bold move: She served attendees of the shindig cupcakes topped with what looked like a long and lewd monument to manparts (see here if you dare).

Unfortunately, the tasty treats served to taint the entire evening.

And though she may have hoped to give guests a goldmine of groin-themed goodness, in the end, it was the chef who got the shaft.

If only folks had stayed off their phones:

In the latest example of the Egyptian state’s attempts to control public morality, which tend to target women, the female chef was arrested at her home after party attenders shared photos of the cupcakes with members of the Gezira club and on social media.

State media reported that security forces identified the baker after taking statements from eyewitnesses.

Dr. Ashraf Sobhy — overseer of clubs such as Gezira — announced his department will create a committee to probe the indecent incident.

Ultimately, he indicated, any perpetrators will be punished.

In the meantime, the baker’s been questioned by a misdemeanor court.

Egypt doesn’t tolerate tomfoolery: The same judicial body recently reviewed the case of actress Rania Youssef.

Rania was charged with “contempt of Islam and infringing Egyptian family values” for her antics during a television broadcast.


Per, she “provocatively [spoke] of the prominence of her buttocks.”

And last June, bellydancer Sama El Masry was sentenced to three years’ imprisonment for “inciting debauchery.”

As for genital cupcakes in general, don’t scoff at a Middle Eastern meltdown. America has its own problem with such salacious sweets by way of the Court of the Woke.

In March of 2019, actress Debra Messing championed chicks by way of a dirty dessert.

From my article at the time:

[The actress caught flack]…because of her fondness for women-empowering vagina cupcakes. … She provided a glimpse…on Instagram, accompanied by a triumphant proclamation:

“Happy International Women’s Day! Powerful, beautiful, and sweet.”

A wrangling of responses:

  • “So when are we gonna stop equating genitalia to gender?”
  • “I love you so much, Debra, but this is suuuuper exclusionary of trans women & that’s not cool!!!”
  • “I hope u realize this literally excludes trans women.”
  • “Love you Debra. But my anatomy doesn’t define me. Nor does the absence of one define trans women. Just saying.”
  • “Just a friendly reminder that body parts do not equate gender.”
  • “Much love to all women today and everyday. Be fierce!”
  • “This is very cool! But let’s not erase trans women.”
  • “Not all women have vulvas…”
  • “If I wanted to hear the opinion of every TERF in the world, this comment section would be the perfect place to do so…”

Back to obscenity in the Arab Republic of Egypt, Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy Nonresident Fellow Timothy Kaldas commented on whether someone should’ve put a cup on the cakes:


“On one level, it’s hard not to be initially struck by the absurdity of penis cupcakes garnering the attention of state prosecutors, police investigators, members of parliament and the regime-controlled press. At the core of the matter is not the banning of sexuality in the public sphere, it is restricting sexuality that is outside the control of men.”

According to newspaper Al Masry Al Youm, the accused was in tears as she appeared at a Cairo prosecution office.

[S]he told interrogators that patrons of the club “came to my shop and handed me pictures of genitals, and asked me for cakes in these forms”.

The poor pelvic pastry-maker was released on 5,000 EGP (roughly $300) ball bail.



See more pieces from me:

A Bakery Avoids Pandemic Bankruptcy by Creating the Most Perfect, Crappy Cake

2020 in a Nutshell: New York Sees a Series of Assaults by Vicious Squirrels

Blue Christmas: Pansexual Kazakstani Bodybuilder’s Wife May Be Stuck in the Shop for Repairs

Find all my RedState work here.

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