Near-Naked Nurse Goes From COVID Caretaker to Telling Russians How Hot It's Gonna Be

(Yanny Bruere/via AP)
AP featured image
In this Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2018 photo provided by Yanny Bruere, a blimp of London Mayor Sadiq Khan is photographed in a workshop, in Oxfordshire, England. Critics of London Mayor Sadiq Khan have been given permission to fly a giant balloon depicting him dressed in a bikini over London. Last month Khan angered some opponents when he allowed a similar giant blimp depicting Donald Trump as an angry baby to fly over London during the president’s visit. (Yanny Bruere/via AP)


A near-naked nurse gets a new lease on life as a nubile newsy.

That’s a mouthful about an eyeful: Many of you surely remember — as I covered in May — a Russian nurse couldn’t bear the heat of performing her duties beneath all that hot PPE in the COVID ward.

Therefore, she went to work in the nude. Well, next to nothing:

Here’s a shock: Across the entire all-male ward, there were zero patient complaints over the 23-year-old showing up in her bra and panties (or bikini?).

Still, standards are standards; she was disciplined by superiors.

However, as noted by the Daily Mail, her story compelled the public, and a politician’s personhood was apparently piqued and perked:

But Tula regional governor Alexey Dyumin, a close ally of Putin and his former bodyguard, strongly backed her and her punishment was rescinded.

Lo and behold, thanks to all the attention, Nadia Zhukova’s been offered a spot as her local television station’s weathergirl.

Sounds about right.

Now fans of her transparent attempt to cool off can turn on the boob tube and gawk as the temperature-tuned medic reveals just how hot it’s gonna be.



But don’t think this means she’s curtailing her career:

She will fit in the forecasts as she works as a nurse and upgrades her training to fulfil her dream of becoming a doctor.

Earlier she was offered a role as a model for a Russian sportswear brand, but she insists that nothing will deflect her from her cherished medical career.

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Надежда Жукова @nadinzhuk: «Я от души поздравляю всех медиков с профессиональным праздником и горжусь, что тоже к нему причастна! Мне очень хочется сказать всем людям: не расслабляйтесь! Носите маски, используйте дезинфекторы. И если почувствуете признаки недомогания – не тяните до последнего, обращайтесь к врачу. И главное, сохраняйте позитивный настрой. Я могу точно сказать, что пациенты, которые с позитивом относятся ко всему происходящему, выздоравливают быстрее тех, кто во всем видит только плохое и негативное. Я всегда захожу в палату с улыбкой и стараюсь, чтобы мое хорошее настроение передалось другим».

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Надежда Жукова @nadinzhuk: «Я знала, что #ZASPORT экипирует олимпийцев, потому что люблю спорт и смотрю Олимпийские игры, особенно люблю керлинг и фигурное катание, а в детстве немного занималась спортивной гимнастикой и сейчас просто хожу на фитнес, играю в волейбол. Мне рассказали о социальных активностях, которые проводит бренд, о том, что они поддерживают медиков, ветеранов спорта. Мне интересно такое сотрудничество, и я буду совмещать эту работу со своей основной профессией. Главное для меня – стать хорошим врачом и помогать людям!»

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As for Gov. Dyumin’ support, she’s grateful. Turns out she can do with a guy in her life:

“After his words of support, I felt much calmer…. I have no boyfriend, but my friends supported me as much as they could.”

Oh, well. At least the available anchor has mom and dad:

Of her new TV role on Vesti Tula, she said: “It is a big thing for me. Thank you for letting me try.”

“My parents will watch, in the evening, after work.”

And in case you were wondering, the hard worker still hustles in the coronavirus ward.

She may have been naked, but never naked and afraid:

“Despite all the losses, stress, constant lack of sleep – we will win, I’m sure,” said Nadia.

‘The main thing is to keep a positive attitude.”

She’s a likable gal:

Doctors took Nadia’s side at the time (of the incident) and said there was a shortage of necessary gear. “We just have nothing to wear,” one [hospital worker] told Komsomolskaya Pravda.

You can’t help it when you’re hot:

“There are not enough scrub suits, which according to the rules we should wear under our protective gowns…. Believe me, we wouldn’t go naked if we were provided with a complete set.”

Congratulations to the nurse on her south-of-Moscow television debut.

But here’s a burning question: What’s gonna happen when she gets under those searing studio lights?




See more pieces from me:

I Was Too Hot’: A Nurse Gets Punished for Going Near-Naked ‘Neath Her See-Through PPE in an All-Male Wuhan Ward

California News Reporter Accidentally Broadcasts Her Husband – Completely Naked

Nude Beachgoers Are Being Spied On By Drones, Courtesy of the Cops

Find all my RedState work here.

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