MSNBC Contributor Claims Trump's 'Crime Cult' Wants to Commit Mass Murder

Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead

President Donald J. Trump participates in a video teleconference with governors to discuss a partnership to prepare, mitigate, and respond to the coronavirus outbreak Thursday, March 19, 2020, at the Federal Emergency Management Agency headquarters in Washington, D.C. (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)




Since the election of Donald Trump, America’s been served some eyebrow-raising claims.

The trend was certainly in full force Monday, courtesy of an MSNBC contributor.

Prompted by a tweet alleging the President has used coronavirus controversy over hydroxychloroquine as some sort of cover-up, author Sarah Kendzior didn’t hold back.

She asserted the “Trump crime cult wanted people to die, and they want many more people to die.”

The original post went as follows:

“I wonder if the whole hydroxychloroquine dust-up isn’t another red herring. Trump is a master at manipulating the direction of the conversation. Every time he wants to cover something up, he draws attention to something else. He is pulling a LOT of attention to a generic drug.”


Sarah responded thusly:

“Trump’s trying to convince people that he wants it cured and that, should a cure appear, it would be accessible to all. So the media focus on the proposed drug instead of the cold reality — which is that the Trump crime cult wanted people to die, and they want many more to die.”


Pegging a person’s secret thoughts or hidden motives can often seem a bold choice. But I suppose “bold” makes for better TV.

Moving on, Sarah elaborated:

“They usually have two goals:

1) Short term scam profits
2) Longer term disaster capitalist destruction.

Basically, they’ll make a little money on the side while committing mass murder.”

Not all on Twitter were convinced:

One user even provided a chart:


Sarah’s certainly not alone in her viewpoint among those who’ve been on camera post-2016.

Cases in point:

“‘New York Times’ ‘Reporter’ on MSNBC: Donald Trump Wants to Round Up People and Murder Them”

“In Light of Kavanaugh, Nut on MSNBC Predicts a Possible ‘Thousand-Year Reich’”

“The 10 Stages of Genocide: A Social Media Marvel Provides a Window into America’s Growing Mental Disorder”

Might such claims work against a productive national conversation? It seems more than possible.

Then again, if there’s a murderous hate cult to fight, perhaps there’s no time to talk about anything else.



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