Airborne: Since China Announced Its Outbreak, Over 400,000 Passengers Have Taken Direct Flights From There to the U.S.

Cheng Min/Xinhua via AP

In this Jan. 22, 2020, photo released on Thursday, Jan. 23, 2020, by China’s Xinhua News Agency, medical workers of the Union Hospital with the Tongji Medical College of the Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan participate in a ceremony to form an “assault team” to battle against a coronavirus epidemic in Wuhan in central China’s Hubei Province, Jan. 23, 2020. China closed off a city of more than 11 million people Thursday in an unprecedented effort to try to contain a deadly new viral illness that has sickened hundreds and spread to other cities and countries in the Lunar New Year travel rush. (Cheng Min/Xinhua via AP)




Have you ordered anything from China lately?

I have. It’s been a month, and I still haven’t received it.

Getting goods from the national origin of the Wuhan coronavirus isn’t as easy as it used to be, but some things are still reaching us.

Like people.

According to a report by The New York Times Saturday, since China first made public its coronavirus outbreak, around 430,000 people have taken direct flights from the Red nation to the U.S.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, most of those landed in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Seattle, Newark, Detroit, and COVID-19 hotbed New York City.

Those numbers don’t include any who came from China with an international connecting flight.

Naturally, after Trump imposed the travel ban on January 31st, the numbers ramped down.

As observed by Fox News:

Foreign nationals were barred from entering the U.S. if they had visited China within the past two weeks.

But even since the order went into effect on the 2nd of February, 279 direct flights have come into the country.

That’s approximately 40,000 passengers.

They were exempt, due to the fact that they were either U.S. citizens or American passport or green card holders.

Additionally, non-citizen relatives have been allowed to fly in to be with their families.

Some of those 279 flights touched U.S. soil within the past week — from Beijing, into major airports in L.A., San Fran, and NY.

As you likely know, the President’s ban on travel — which occurred ahead of the World Health Organization’s recommendation of such, resulted in cries of racism.


But who’s lookin’ smart about now? Wait, nevermind — now they say he didn’t do enough early on.

The Commander-in-Chief doesn’t appear to agree that he was late to the pandemic party.

At a press conference last week, he served up the following:

“I do think we were very early, but I also think that we were very smart, because we stopped China. That was probably the biggest decision we made so far.”

As noted by Fox, the first case of the virus was confirmed on January 20th, (at a nursing home) in Washington state.

However, due to the Wuhan flu’s potential 25% asymptomatic rate, there could’ve been carriers before then.

So for all those coming from China, how’s the security been?

Here’s Fox to let you down hard:

Many passengers arriving from China within the past two months said they experienced lax screening procedures at U.S. airports. Some travelers said they had their temperatures taken and filled out health forms, but were not intensely questioned and were never contacted again, the Times reported.


They were lax at LAX?

Maybe they didn’t wanna seem racist.



See 3 more pieces from me:

Kicking Us While We’re Down: An 18-Wheeler Crashes in Texas, and Fire Wipes Out the Load – of Toilet Paper

Move Over, Thor: Marvel Launches Superwoke Heroes ‘Snowflake’ and ‘Safespace’

Horror: An Elderly Woman Was Struck and Died Due to Alleged Hysteria Over Social Distancing

Find all my RedState work here.

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