Miracle in China: 3-Year-Old Falls 60 Feet From a High Rise Balcony, but Neighbors Catch Him (Video)



A video from southwest China posted to social media Monday reveals a harrowing scene: a 3-year-old hanging from the balcony of an apartment building, six stories up.


As indicated by the tweet, the baby boy climbed his own way out of the high-rise.

Absolute doom seemed certain.

NBC news reports he’d been left alone while his grandmother went out for groceries.

What the heck?? He’s three.

A crowd had formed far below, and someone had had the good sense to bring out out a blanket.

They stretched it…

The little one struggled to get back onto the balcony.

But he couldn’t make it up.

He lost his grip as onlookers screamed in horror.

The boy fell straight down onto the taut blanket, wondrously saved from a 60-foot plummet.

Watch the incredible video above.

All who held the blanket will live the rest of their days knowing they saved a precious life by caring enough to attempt the impossible.

And the little boy will always know he was given a second chance — by neighbors and, perhaps, strangers.


According to the BBC, he suffered no injuries.

What an absolute miracle.

May God bless the heroes of our world.



See 3 more pieces from me:

Fed Up With School’s Response To Bullying, A South Carolina Mom Takes Justice Into Her Own Hands. And I Kind Of Love Her

Christmas Miracle: Dad Murders Baby, But There Was ‘Someone Watching Over’ Her

Incredible: Man Saves His Children From A Carjacker, But The Shocking Ending Is Harrowing

Find all my RedState work here.

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