Parents of the Year: Couple Sues Planned Parenthood for Child Support Over Failed Abortion



An Idaho couple is suing Planned Parenthood for a two-year-old failed abortion.

Think about that — the mom and dad of a toddler are suing an organization for not making sure he didn’t exist.


What’s more, the pair is demanding PP pay them child support.

I suppose that makes sense.

Fox News reports:

Biana Coons, who was six weeks pregnant with her son, traveled 700 miles with her partner, Cristobal Ruiz, to a Planned Parenthood in Albuquerque, New Mexico in February 2016 to avoid the mandatory waiting period in her home state. The couple, which already had two children, didn’t want another one.

The abortion giant gave Biana a pill designed to cause the desire effect, but it didn’t work. She couldn’t afford the necessary follow-up to end the pregnancy.

The couple was “deceived into thinking that they could come to New Mexico and initiate the [medication abortion] and then return to Idaho without losing access to ‘Planned Parenthood Services,’” but the abortion provider allegedly told them they needed to return to New Mexico and get it done free of charge or find another office in Idaho and pay, as each Planned Parenthood operates as a separate business.

Instead, Coons gave birth to a “jaundiced and ill” baby boy, now 2, in August of that year — one month early.

According to the lawsuit, eugenics fan Margaret Sanger’s greatest legacy “[failed] to properly supervise and administer the abortion service directly (which) resulted in the failure of the pregnancy terminatio[n].”  That, in turn, “resulted in injury to plaintiffs’ interests in family planning and their interests in financial planning for the future of their family.”


Biana and Mr. Biana are suing for $765,000 — the cost of raising “an additional unplanned child.”

I guess the concept of child support is broadening. Given that, $765,000 is nothing — you’ve paid $2 billion for children born illegally in the U.S.

Happy Mothers…Fathers…uh…Xers…Day. To you and to Planned Parenthood. But not to Biana and her man — they don’t sound very happy.



Relevant RedState links in this article: here.

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