WATCH: Nancy 'The Wall is an Immorality' Pelosi Calls Trump's Late-Term Abortion Stance 'Quite Sad'



In Tuesday night’s State of the Union, President Trump championed a valuing of life.

To be very clear, at issue was — not abortion as a general issue, but — late term abortion. The kind Kathy Tran defends, where the baby is killed as he or she is about to come out (here).


Nancy Pelosi was asked by The Daily Caller about Trump’s SOTU call to ban the practice, and she lamented the sadness…of such a restriction:

“It’s really quite a sad thing when you know that we’ll be talking about something that applies to the health and life — health and ability to have other children — of women. I hope that in his family, he never has to face that crisis and apply his attitude toward it.”

Well, at least it’s not Armageddon — that’s what Pelosi called the GOP’s tax reform (here). And let’s not forget the immorality of a wall (here), which she has on her own property (here). Goofy?

And may we avoid the evocation of “Christmas;” as Nancy’s illustrated, the proper term is “holiday” (here).

But stabbing and crushing a baby as it’s ten seconds from being born? No problemo.

Moral clarity is certainly an evolving concept.



Relevant RedState links in this article: herehereherehere, and here.


See 3 more pieces from me: dirtbags, beware; bulletproof backpacks; and putting the a** in “assimilation.”

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