Ocasio-Cortez Attempts to Own Trump Over His 'Who Cares' Remark

As I covered Monday, President Trump gave a striking response to a question about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

The Donald was readying to leave for New Orleans when a reporter pointed out that the New York representative had called him “racist” in a 60 Minutes interview. Furthermore, she’d said this to Anderson Cooper:


“[Trump] manufactures crises like immigrants seeking legal refuge at our border.”

When presented with AOC’s “racist” comment about the President, he offered something very Trumpish:

Alexandria quickly volleyed, via Twitter:

“I bartended for *years* in New York City. I understand guys like this like the back of my hand. We got under his skin.”


Personally, I’ve always found the weakest characterization in the game of ideological contrast to be one side’s contention that the other feels the exact opposite of what they express. I’m inclined to think that when someone shrugs you off and says “Who cares,” it’s more than likely that they don’t care. At all.

But Twitter lit up with varied opinions:


To her credit, she does address challenges. On the other hand, it isn’t with any support of an argument. In a related story, conservative commentator Ben Shapiro offered her $10,000 to debate him in August. Find their exchange here and here. A hundred hundreds would’ve allowed her to avoid couch surfing in D.C. (here). Clearly, she preferred a different reaction — similar to her attempt at a Trump return.

Back to Twitter:




That tweet, of course, is incorrect — George W. Bush won the popular vote in 2004.


Still, it appears to me, Alexandria’s presence makes for a more exciting time — compared to political years past — on the federal stage.

Both AOC and the President are newcomers to politics, and it’s a good thing for there to be new blood in Washington. It would be even better if, on both sides of the aisle, there were new ideas. Or, in some cases, any ideas.




Relevant RedState links in this article: here, herehereherehere, here, here, here, here, and here.

See 3 more pieces from me: journalist of the year, a Christmas miracle, and Ann Coulter vs. Trump.

Find all my RedState work here.

And please follow Alex Parker on Twitter and Facebook.

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