MSNBC Calls for Mass Resignations in Light of Trump's News Briefing



I wrote earlier of Wolf Blitzer and CNN’s castigation of Trump’s Russia summit press briefing (please read about that here). Now welcome to the stage MSNBC.


On MSNBC Live, Evelyn Farkas, former Obama Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Russia/Ukraine/Eurasia, called Trump’s behavior “outrageous” and “despicable,” calling for Republican “mass resignations.”

From Moscow, NBC Chief Global Correspondent Bill Neely informed host Stephanie Ruhle that “a lot of heads were shaking in disbelief” during the press conference.

Neely declared Putin the firm victor (for more on prior expectations of that possibility, please read here, here, and here):

“Here is Russia demonstrating that it has, if you like, an American President eating out of his hands.”

Farkas chimed in:

“What we heard the President do was essentially side with an authoritarian leader against the United States, against our national security, against our democracy. So, it’s despicable.”

And, the resignations:

“What do I expect Republicans to do, to get back to your original question? I don’t know but I certainly hope there are mass resignations.”

In case you haven’t seen any of Trump’s performance, here’s a clip (replay it to watch the entire conference):

Donald Trump may not have hit one out of the park in the most presidential manner possible during the press briefing: he brought up Hillary Clinton and the Mueller investigation, while lending credibility to Putin and his denial of electoral interference. But what does that have to do with mass Republican resignations? For MSNBC, it’s easy: they hate Trump, and they hate the GOP. Every time he opens his mouth, he proves to them he’s the worst thing since amoebic dysentery. And if he’s that bad, and the Right has embraced him, then our entire side of the political aisle needs to be purged from the political sphere. The problem is, regardless of Trump, it is their principles and ideals that belong in the toilet.


What do you think of all of this? Please let me know in the Comments section below.

For those of you who missed the relevant RedState links in the article, please go hereherehere, and here.

For more on the events and speculation leading up to today’s important summit, please see my articles here, here, here, here, and here.

For something totally different, here are my pieces on Trump’s interim EPA pick, Joe Scarborough’s condescension toward white men, and Kamala Harris’s ignorance of the Constitution.

Find all my RedState work here.

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