BREAKING: Bob Corker Removes Himself from Running for Trump VP and Gives This Reason

Senator Bob Corker has basically been “trying out” for the Trump VP slot for months now, but has suddenly, it is reported today, taking himself out of the race.


From the Washington Post:

Corker said that he informed the presumptive Republican presidential nominee of his decision during their day together on Tuesday, when the senator had a series of meetings with campaign officials in New York and then flew with Trump to an evening rally in North Carolina.

“There are people far more suited for being a candidate for vice president, and I think I’m far more suited for other types of things,” Corker said in an extensive phone interview where he repeatedly praised Trump and said he is eager to serve as an informal adviser to the candidate.

As they sat close together on Trump’s Boeing 757, Corker recalled telling Trump about how he’s more policy-oriented than political and how even though he has become friendly with Trump, he did not feel comfortable stepping fully into the role of political attack dog or rousing speechmaker.

Corker has been seen as a, if not the, front-runner for the spot for some time.

Trump is reportedly planning to announce just before the GOP convention, on or around the 15th of this month. Newt Gingrich, Chris Christie, Joni Ernst, and Mike Pence are all believed to be on the short-list.

This morning, Joni Ernst was given a prime time speaking slot at Trump’s convention.


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