
Will There Be a British Civil War? If So, What Will It Look Like?

Stormy Petrel, the dark harbinger. (Credit: Ward Clark via AI - Night Cafe Creator)

Elon Musk has been taking a lot of heat lately, but we suspect he's kind of used to it. He seems pretty thick-skinned, he has "screw you" money, and in past exchanges, he has shown that he generally sticks to his guns.

In the latest round of "OMG Musk said something outrageous" from the left, Musk is under fire for pointing out some obvious facts about the goings-on in the United Kingdom. Namely, he's worried about the unchecked influx of "asylum seekers," the problems they bring with them, and the British government's and British law enforcement's uneven treatment of the immigrants and the Brits who object to having their tax dollars go to pay for this.

One can hardly blame them, but now it looks like things are starting to get out of hand, prompting Musk to speculate if a British civil war is inevitable. The British government was quick to condemn the African-American (yes, he is) tech mogul.

Elon Musk has continued to clash with Sir Keir Starmer over the riots sweeping the UK, with the tech billionaire sharing a number of posts suggesting the UK has a “two-tier” policing system. 

Posting on his social media platform, X, he has repeatedly implied that communities are treated differently under the law. 

Mr Musk shared a video from US right-wing influencer, Andy Ngo, showing a group of men wearing balaclavas, with some waving Palestinian flags. The caption claimed “armed ‘Muslim patrol’ members surrounded and attacked a pub after marching around the area looking for white right-wingers to attack.”

Here's the post that prompted the real dust-up:

Is it? And if so, what would it look like?

As far as the inevitability of a civil war, it's important to note that the British government has proposed some actions that one can only interpret as authoritarian and overbearing. The British government - with a significant leavening of immigrant officials from majority-Muslim countries - seems to have already chosen a side, and it's not the side of the British people.

See Related: British Prime Minister Calls for 'Standing Army' of Riot Police to Keep the Lower Classes in Their Place

As my colleague Streiff points out in this piece linked above:

British Prime Minister Keir Starmer has reacted to the violence and mob action in several British cities over the last week by proclaiming a “standing army” of specialist police would be created to deal with the problem. He also promised to increase the criminal justice system to process the anticipated arrests generated by the new "standing army" of riot police.

That's not the act of the leader of a free people. That's the act of a would-be dictator.

For the sake of discussion, though, let's accept that a civil war may have already begun in Britain; it is underway, and we are seeing the beginning phases of what will become a larger conflict. What will that conflict look like?

First, demographics. As of the 2021/2022 census, the United Kingdom's population remains 76.8 percent White British, and Irish. "Asians," which includes Middle Eastern immigrants, make up 8.6 percent of the population, while Africans are 3.7 percent. But the really interesting numbers are not in ethnicities but in religion, wherein 46.53 percent of the population are Christian, 5.97 percent are Muslim, 37.75 percent are listed as "no religion" with Hindus, Sikhs, Jews, Buddhist, and "others" make up the remainder.

Why does this matter? Because a modern British civil war will likely be seen by one side as a war of national survival - the survival of the British people and British culture - and by the other as a religious jihad. That's a recipe for an ugly, evil conflict. The once-Great Britain could very well descend into a 1996 Balkans-style conflict, with neighbor pitted against neighbor, village against neighboring village. And in this kind of conflict of attrition, at the moment, the Brits would appear to have a clear advantage.

But as always, there are complications. This particular conflict would not be a war of armies maneuvering in the field. It would be more like a massive gang war; mostly urban, with ambushes, sneak attacks, attacks on soft targets - churches, schools, and so on - with atrocity breeding atrocity and any victory coming not from surrender but from annihilation. These battles will be fought with some small arms, what few the British government has allowed the peasantry to retain, along with, in time, some stolen from police and military personnel. They will be up close, brutal, and personal.

Would the Brits have the stomach for that? Because their opponents - mostly Muslim immigrants from the Middle East and Africa - very likely would. They have a history of those kinds of wars.

Were the United States to suffer another civil war, it would be political. This one would be religious, and that's a whole different kettle of fish.

See Related: Jamie Raskin Appears to Say Congress Will Disqualify Trump If He Wins the Election, Threatens Civil War

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We may well already be seeing the opening stages of a modern civil war in Britain. What's more, this kind of thing may well plunge much of Europe into conflict - an internal conflict, instigated by their Muslim minorities, who have been becoming increasingly insular, vocal, and combative of late. It will be ugly. It will be brutal. It will breed atrocities like a rat litters pups. And it would likely be the end of Europe as we know it, regardless of the outcome.

Let's hope cooler heads prevail. In the meantime, if you were thinking of Europe in terms of summer vacation plans, I urge you to look elsewhere.


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