Embarrassing: Kamala Speaks, Begs Audience for Applause

AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast

Holy cow, Kamala Harris has wasted no time embarrassing the Democratic Party and the American people. On Monday, only hours after Joe Biden's exit from the 2024 presidential campaign, spoke on the White House South Lawn to members of NCAA championship sports teams. 


It went about like you'd expect.

Vice President Kamala Harris awkwardly encouraged a crowd to clap for President Biden on Monday in her first public appearance since he ended his candidacy for a second term Sunday and endorsed Harris to replace him.

“Joe Biden’s legacy of accomplishment over the past three years is unmatched in modern history. In one term, he has already …,” Harris said in a speech on the White House South Lawn, before stopping mid-sentence to add, “Yes, you may clap.”

Harris delivered her trademark laugh — often described by detractors as a cackle — while pausing at the event honoring the men’s and women’s NCAA championship teams.

Her "trademark laugh" is described as a cackle because that's what it is, of course. And the begging for applause? That's just pathetic.

This is not an auspicious start for a presidential campaign. But then, public communications have never been Kamala Harris' strong suit.

See Related: A Look at Kamala's Track Record As VP: Numerous Assignments and Just As Many 'Incompletes'

Kamala Harris' Campaign Tries Turning Mockery Into Meme Gold in Presidential Campaign

While this event may have in part been intended as a presidential campaign launch, the vice president wasted no time eulogizing the outgoing president.


“Our president, Joe Biden, wanted to be here today. He is feeling much better and recovering fast, and he looks forward to getting back on the road,” Harris, 59, told the student athletes — before launching into a political eulogy for her boss. 

“In one term, he has already surpassed the legacy of most presidents who have served two terms in office,” she said.

He's accomplished a lot in one term, to be sure. Runaway inflation, an invasion of unknown, unscreened illegal aliens, a moribund domestic energy sector, crime spikes in almost all of our major cities, and a level of personal corruption that makes the Clintons look like amateurs.

The vice president went on:

I first came to know President Biden through his son Beau. We worked together as attorneys general in our states, and back then, Beau would often tell me stories about his dad. He would talk about the kind of father and the kind of man that Joe Biden is.

Beau, of course, was the "good son," at least relatively, before he died in Iraq - excuse me, before he died (sadly) of brain cancer - in Water Reed Hospital. It's unclear why Beau's father routinely lied about this, but lie he did.

And here we can pivot to Kamala Harris herself, who during her term as attorney general of California, used state prisoners as free labor, extending sentences to do so. Of course, we also have her disastrous failure as border czar.


Democrats across the fruited plane are probably breathing a sigh of relief today now that the old dotard Joe Biden is no longer in the presidential picture. But it is surely a nervous sigh because Kamala Harris is clearly not and never will be ready for prime time. Her personal record is abominable, and her personal appeal is non-existent.

The Trump campaign, on the other hand, almost certainly already has a plan in place to run against the current vice president. They were well-poised to run against Joe Biden; they will be well-poised to run against Kamala Harris, as well, should she finally emerge as the candidate.


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