350 Foreign Policy Experts Compete With 51 Intelligence Experts for the Most Dishonest Open Letter Ever

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

More than 350 senior members of the Democrat foreign policy establishment endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris's candidacy for the presidency Tuesday, claiming that she "would enter that office with more significant national security experience than the four Presidents prior to President Biden."


So let's look at the letter and see what she's done that is so damned impressive, considering her boss's foreign policy has been an absolute disaster.

We, the undersigned, are former U.S. national security leaders, and we proudly endorse Vice President Kamala Harris to be President of the United States. 

Given her record of leadership on national security as Vice President, there is no question she is the best qualified person to lead our nation as Commander in Chief. Vice President Harris would be a strong and effective leader beginning on Day 1 as President. 

When it comes to handling America’s national security, Vice President Harris requires no on-the-job training. In fact, if elected President, she would enter that office with more significant national security experience than the four Presidents prior to President Biden. And in today’s global security environment, we need a strong and tested leader. 

So far, the evidence of Harris being a leader of any type, much less a "strong and tested" one, is scant. The sky-high attrition rate in her office indicates a toxic and dysfunctional work environment. Indeed, she reminds me of the story about the lieutenant of whom it was said, "Men follow this officer out of sheer curiosity."

Over the past three and a half years, Vice President Harris has played an integral role in restoring U.S. global leadership around the world, working closely with President Biden on our nation’s most pressing challenges. She has effectively and skillfully represented our nation on the world stage, and has been a relentless advocate for American interests, American values, and American security and prosperity. She has met with more than 150 world leaders and traveled to 21 countries as Vice President. She has been by the President’s side in the Oval Office and in the Situation Room managing high-stakes international crises and advising on the toughest decisions– from the U.S. response to Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, to the United States’ defense of Israel when Iran attacked in April 2024, to U.S. strikes against al-Qaeda leaders. 


This is very much like Hillary Clinton's gambit of trying to turn frequent flyer miles and hotel reservations into experience. As to being by Biden's side, I'm not sure what that is supposed to indicate. The vice president has a seat reserved in the White House situation room, so her presence does not imply participation in or value added to discussions. Being there doesn't account for much. As Frederick the Great is supposed to have quipped about experience, "I had an ass that followed me on a dozen campaigns, and he remained an ass." No public evidence exists that Harris contributed to any Biden White House foreign policy decision. But notice what meetings they don't claim she was at. The Afghanistan withdrawal. The immediate aftermath of the October 7 attack on Israel. The strategy to keep the Red Sea open to sea traffic.

Vice President Harris’s record of diplomacy is outstanding. She has met with President Xi of China and dozens of leaders throughout the Indo-Pacific as part of our efforts to strengthen alliances and partnerships, grow our economy, and out-compete China. Across four trips to the Indo-Pacific and representing the United States at numerous global summits, the Vice President has strengthened alliances and partnerships in the Indo-Pacific, and in particular, Southeast Asia, in recognition of the importance of this region to American security and prosperity. She has met six times with President Zelenskyy of Ukraine, including in a meeting five days before Russia invaded Ukraine in order to warn him of the imminent invasion and help Ukraine prepare. She has traveled to NATO’s Eastern Flank and helped ensure NATO unity in the face of Russia’s war against Ukraine. Her historic visit to Africa heralded a deepening of the U.S.-Africa partnership and she helped reshape the nature of our relationships across the continent. Vice President Harris has led an important expansion of the U.S. relationship with nations in the Caribbean and Northern Central America, including through a public-private partnership that is expanding economic opportunity in Northern Central America. As the first woman Vice President, she has advanced the inclusion of women and girls globally. She has also led on our diplomacy with regard to the climate crisis, space, and AI. Throughout all of this work, she has made a strong case for continuing America’s global leadership role. Vice President Harris also has the experience and expertise to effectively make the case to the American people about why Donald Trump is a threat to America’s national security. 


How, exactly, has our position in the Pacific Rim been strengthened? Are they seriously arguing that the situation in the South China Sea isn't far more combustible today than at any point during President Trump's term in office? Do they really think that Ukraine didn't know Russia was going to invade? In Africa, she acted as a bureaucratic Santa Claus to hand out money appropriated by Congress and divvied up the State Department. I find it ludicrous and insulting to the intelligence to say she can make the case "about why Donald Trump is a threat to America’s national security" when she just participated in a palace coup to strip Joe Biden of his candidacy, if not supplant him as president.


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As Vice President Harris has made clear on the campaign trail, a second Trump term would threaten our allies, embolden our adversaries, and weaken America. Contrary to the Trump-Vance agenda, she is clear that isolation is not insulation and that a globally engaged America is a strong America. She understands the stakes of this election for global security and stability and she is best positioned to defeat Trump– to the benefit of America and the entire world.


This letter has the same credibility as that of the 51 "intelligence professionals" who proclaimed Hunter Biden's laptop to have the hallmarks of Russian disinformation (No Shame: Intel Officials Who Signed Hunter Laptop 'Russian Disinformation' Letter Call It 'Patriotic' – RedState). It is a political statement that tries to gaslight us into believing that having been somewhere is the same as doing something. No empirical evidence indicates that Harris has ever done anything more complex than stand where someone tells her to stand and mouth a carefully wordsmithed speech with just a few awkward cackles thrown in.



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