RedState Weekly Briefing: George's Meltdown, Tim's Tailspin, Kamala's Chaos

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

Welcome to the RedState Weekly Briefing  — where we take a quick look at the week’s most viewed stories in case you missed any of them. Grab a cup of coffee (or something stronger — it's been a helluva summer), and sit down with this 21st Century Weekend Edition of your favorite (online) publication!


#1 - ABC's Stephanopoulos Loses His Crap When Rep. Donalds Refuses to Back Off on Kamala's 'Blackness' — by streiff

The same people telling us that pointing out Kamala's race-grifting is hurting us are the same people who said that calling out Elizabeth Warren on her "Cherokee" heritage was hurting us. No one, other than the Cat Lady demographic and their eunuch simps, likes a fake.

There is no need for this to be the main subject, but, as Donalds said, "He talked about it on the stage yesterday in Atlanta for, what, two minutes? He spent more than 35, 40 minutes going after her record, talking about how radical of a senator that she was." As a tangential, secondary attack, it is obviously hurting enough that the Democrats are trying to shut that conversation down.

#2 - NEW: The Tim Walz Stolen Valor Scandal Just Got Much Worse Following Bombshell Report — by Bonchie

As Schatchel notes in his piece, the first mention of Walz going to Iraq could have just been Joshua Green, the reporter who did the profile, making an assumption. That would be unusual given the editorial standards at play at such an outlet, but it is at least possible that Walz himself didn't tell Green that he served in Iraq. 

That second mention, though? That one isn't explained away by assuming an overzealous reporter just got out over his skis. Green is clearly describing what Walz told him regarding his supposed denial of entry to a George W. Bush rally in 2004 (that claim also appears to be largely made up, but that's another story). There is no other logical explanation.


#3 - Chaos After Kamala's Detroit Rally Is Emblematic of What Her Presidency Would Do to America — by Jennifer Van Laar

Yes, you read that right. Not only did Kamala have to provide free entertainment to get people to show up, the unions bused people in. 

Once Lippincott finally got on a bus, he was the only one on that bus (even though people had been waiting for 2.5 hours in 90-degree heat) because of a communication error between the dispatch center and the bus drivers as to where people would be dropped off.

#4 - STUNNING: Ninth Circuit Reverses Its Ruling on Voter Registration and Proof of Citizenship in Arizona — by Becca Lower

In dissent, Judge Patrick Bumatay "argu[ed] the earlier panel got it right. The state legislature cannot be bound by an agreement reached between a former secretary of state and the federal government without running into 'serious separation of powers concerns,' he wrote."

This "agreement" language might require explanation for anyone outside the Copper state: Arizona currently has a two-track registration system; if you can show the required proof of citizenship, you may vote in any election. But those who cannot prove they are citizens get "federal only" ballots -- that is, they can only vote for federal offices like congressional and presidential races if "they attest under penalty of perjury that they are citizens." 


#5 - Kamala Goes Babbling in Philly With Tim Walz, Opens Mouth and Inserts Foot — by Nick Arama

So much for the "We want to save democracy" crew. 

It sounded like a lot of what she said was from the speech she normally gives, once again raising the question, just like with Joe Biden, how much she can speak off the cuff.

Then she spoke about what she wanted to do, including helping people buy a home, own a business, and "build wealth."

Editor's Note: This article was updated post-publication for clarity.


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