The Press Are Strangely Incurious As White House Makes More Troubling Corrections to a Biden Transcript

AP Photo/Paul Sancya

As RedState previously reported, Joe Biden made the rounds over the last several days pandering for the black vote, with one of his most appalling moments being the commencement speech he gave Sunday at Morehouse College, an HBCU, where white supremacy of course was given a mention.


On Sunday evening, Biden rubbed elbows with the NAACP in Detroit during a swanky dinner, where as per the norm he told several whoppers, seemed to forget exactly when it was that he was Vice President, and bizarrely called J6 defendants "erectionists."

READ MORE: Biden Reveals He Has No Idea When He Was VP, and What He Called J6 People at NAACP Dinner Is Hilarious

Here are video clips of those moments:

Now, on the one hand, it's amusing that these gaffes made it into the transcript and were corrected:

And when I was vice president, things were kind of bad during the pandemic [recession], and what happened was Barack said to me, “Go to Detroit and help fix it.”  Well, poor mayor, he spent more time with me than he ever thought he was going to have to.  


Just listen to him.  He calls the irrectionists [insurrectionists] who stormed Capitol Hill “patriots.” He says, if reelected, he wants, quote, “every” one of them pardoned.


On the other hand, it's extremely concerning that so many corrections have had to be made to his transcripts in the first place. By some counts, 148 have been made... just in the first four months of 2024 alone:

Through 118 statements, speeches and chats with reporters spanning from Jan. 1 to April 24, the White House has officially updated its transcript with corrections to what the president said out loud at least 148 times.

Some of the modifications include corrections to names, dates and titles of organizations. Others change verbs and modify the meaning of the president’s statement entirely. Words that the president didn’t say, but should’ve, according to the White House staff, have also been added to the transcripts.

Further, we've written before about how some past changes that were made to official White House transcripts during Biden's time as president have come in the form of stealth edits, where if someone had no idea Biden had flubbed, they wouldn't know it by reading the transcript, either.


What's doubly frustrating beyond the fact that we have a consistently incoherent president is the fact that the mainstream media seem strangely incurious about all the edits, whether they are the noted ones or the stealth ones.

I say "strangely" because we know if this happened to be a Donald Trump issue, we'd never hear the end of it from the mainstream media, who would be cheerleading the talking points Democrats would feed them about all the corrections. But then again, this is the left-wing press we're talking about here, so perhaps their incuriousness isn't so strange at all...

Flashback-->> WATCH: Insane Amount of Edits in Pre-Recorded Joe Biden Video Raises Eyebrows - and Questions


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