Kennedy Goes There, Calls 'Ding Dong' Kamala a Member of the 'Loon Wing' of the Democrat Party

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

Louisiana Republican Senator John Kennedy is a rare throwback politician, reminiscent of a time when unfiltered lawmakers weren't afraid to say out loud what they really thought in their heads.  


On Monday, Kennedy did just that — about Kamala Harris.

During an appearance on Fox News Channel's "Your World with Neil Cavuto" on Monday, Kennedy — who can tear opponents to shreds while maintaining his "southern gentleman charm" — weighed in on Harris's depth of intelligence — or lack thereof — telling Cavuto:

Many Americans think that the vice president is a little bit of a ding-dong.

Kennedy reminded Cavuto of the Democrat's fondness for calling Donald Trump "Hitler," ad nauseam.

Cavuto, always the gracious host, and well aware of Kennedy's mostly unfiltered bottom-line style, gingerly tried to head the senator beyond calling Harris names.

You raised a number of very clear issues, substantive issues that could be debated. I guess all I’m saying, for all the problems and calling her a loon and all that, and I get it. I know it’s political season, and that happens on both sides.

Kennedy, having none of it, shrewdly responded: 


You’re putting words in my mouth. I said, she’s a member, she’s a member of the loon wing of the Democratic Party. And there is a loon wing of the Democrats.

The polling that I’ve seen shows that many Americans think that the vice president is not a serious person. As I said, that she’s a bit of a ding-dong.

The senator continued to go after Harris and the Democrat Party, doubling down:

And number two, that she is a member of the loony wing of the Democratic Party. She’s a San Francisco Democrat. She’s just like Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez. Except without the bartending experience. She is not mainstream. 

That’s the point I was trying to make was that by making her first policy position known on abortion, the idea that we should have a law that says you can have an abortion at any point, no questions asked, even up until the moment of birth, I think for most Americans is a loon wing position? 

"That’s just my opinion," Kennedy said, adding: "And that’s also what the polls show."

It's been my observation that when Sen. John Kennedy references proof sources — polls, in this case — we can take it to the bank.

Now Let's Talk About Sen. Kennedy's Description of Kamala Harris

First, is the presumptive Democrat presidential nominee a "ding-dong"? Let's answer with a few questions. 


Does Harris indeed cackle? Does she laugh like a hyena, often at appropriate times? Has she laughed like a hyena about "yellow school buses" and even more so about Venn diagrams? Venn diagrams.

Clearly, with multiple examples, the answer to the last four questions is yes, leaving only the question of whether Kamala Harris is a "ding-dong." So here's the thing: Harris is who she is. Whatever label we slap on her is irrelevant. 

What is relevant is, as Sen. Kennedy said, is the presumptive Democrat presidential nominee simply doesn't appear to be a "serious person." Why not? Because, in my not-so-humble opinion, she knows she's in over her head and she has known that since at least becoming the vice president of the United States, and that makes her nervous. 

Hence Kamala Harris cackles and laughs like a hyena in defense of her shortcomings.


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