Media Pulling Out All the Stops to Help Kamala Win the Election

Townhall Media

The mainstream media machine is once again conducting a massive campaign of lies, altering past headlines to cover for present-day events, coordinating or leading the government in its desire to label viewpoints or statements by anyone they view as a threat as "disinformation" or "misinformation," and this time they are not trying to hide their intentions. The mainstream media machine that is owned and operated by the puppetmasters of the left would have you believe that they are telling the truth and that anything they have said in the past and are denying today is just you believing something that never happened. They are gaslighting the American public in ways that have never been seen. 


Americans thought that the media was released from their self-induced trance of being the lapdog of President Joe Biden and his administration when they could no longer cover for Biden and his obvious mental decline after his disastrous debate performance with Donald Trump in June, where Biden at times seemed lost and unaware of what he was saying or doing. Trump figuratively landed knockout blow after knockout blow to Biden, which caused all of his seemingly loyal media partners to now distance themselves from him. Americans were seeing all across the board outlets like CNN, MSNBC, or comedians like Bill Maher and Jon Stewart, all openly calling into question Biden's mental acuity and cognitive state. But their "honesty" was shortlived as we saw them instantly pivot to carrying the weight for Vice President Kamala Harris after Biden dropped out of the race.  

Going back to their tried and trustworthy attack on speech, Washington Post’s Cleve Wootson asked White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre about what they intend to do with what he calls "misinformation" used on social media ahead of Trump's X Space with Elon Musk. Wootson said that he thinks "misinformation on Twitter is not just a campaign issue. It's a — you know, it's an America issue." Wootson wanted to know if President Biden was planning on "stopping" people from saying what they wanted on social media, particularly former President Donald Trump, because they believe everything Trump says is a lie or, at the very least, misleading. The media machine is asking the government what they intend to do with suppressing political speech. 


Related: Washington Post Reporter Wants Biden to Stop Trump-Musk Interview Because He Fears 'Misinformation'

WATCH: Left-Wing Audience's Hilarious Reaction to Stephen Colbert Interviewing CNN's Kaitlan Collins

For years now, Americans with the ability to think clearly and objectively have been calling out media outlets like CNN for being what they claim to be against, subjective and biased towards one political party and ideology, that of course being the left. Criticisms against the network and others like it have been echoing louder and louder in the past few years, especially after Trump was elected as president. Americans saw pretty clearly that the mainstream media machine was not their friend, nor were they capable of telling the truth or at the very least having some semblance of objectivity. When CNN's own Kaitlan Collins was with Stephen Colbert on his show, Colbert made a remark about CNN's supposed objectivity. The problem was that Colbert wasn't making a joke; he was dead serious, but his audience was laughing anyway. 


Americans are seeing this for what it really is: blatant election interference. The media elites know that they can manipulate the narrative or drive their version of events so as to please their leftist donors. The George Soroses of the world who act as the media's puppet masters and tell them what to say, or in the case of Axios, when to tell the American people that they were just imagining things when they rightly reported that Vice President Harris was the border czar appointed by President Joe Biden early in his presidency. This would be defined as propaganda, but to the left, it's what actually happened, and if you try and correct them on it, they will say you are wrong. Thank you, X Community Notes, for being the only way to properly label Axios's attempt at revisionist history as malarky. 

Their election interference doesn't stop there, however; it gets worse. When reporting on either candidate and their policy platforms, media outlets like CBS will create two different versions of a narrative, one to benefit their candidate and the other to make them look bad. I would like to introduce another perfect example of this. Donald Trump introduced a policy agenda this past June in which he proclaimed that it would be his goal to end taxes on tips for service workers across the country. Trump was not the first Republican to call for this -- in 2012, Ron Paul wrote an OpEd for the Las Vegas Sun stating the exact thing as part of his policy platform, but Trump is the only Republican presidential candidate since 2012 to call for it. So when Trump lays out that same policy idea, you can imagine the rightful criticism of Harris for saying the same thing. Well, that's not how CBS headlined their stories about Trump's plan and Harris's copy of it. 


Notice the difference in the headlines? We all see it, as I am sure most on the right will see it. However, the left will play right into CBS's strategy of election interference and criticize Trump's plan while embracing Harris', even though they are one and the same. Harris will be made out to look like the Robin Hood of legend, giving the working class and poor all of their wages, whilst Trump will be made out to look like the Sheriff of Nottingham, taking everything and anything from them. 

Humans make mistakes, and I am guilty of more mistakes than I can count, but they were just that, mistakes; I strive to learn from them. What the mainstream media is doing -- again -- is not a mistake. It is blatant and rampant lies, gaslighting, and interfering in our elections, something they vehemently deny doing. 

The only way to combat this insane media bias is to call it out whenever you see it. RedState will be here reporting on it all as best we can. One of the ways that you, the reader, can help us fight back is by becoming a VIP member. When you do, you help support what we do here at RedState (and across the Townhall family of sites). With your help, we'd love to bring you even more investigative and original reporting in addition to our coverage of major news events and the election. A Gold-level account gets you access to all of our sister sites in Townhall Media: PJ Media, Twitchy, Hot Air, Bearing Arms, and Right now, you can use promo code FIGHT for a 50% discount. If you're already a member – first, thank you; we're very grateful for your support – you can gift a membership to a friend or family member (all you need is their email address).



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