Nancy Mace Whines About Staffer Sabotage and Invasion of Privacy; Former Staffers Bring on the Cheese

AP Photo/Mariam Zuhaib

As RedState has reported, Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) burns through staff like SpaceX burns through jet fuel. Between November 2023 and January 2024, Mace lost nine staffers due to firing and defections, and five months later, the bleeding continues. Now Mace is accusing these former staffers of sabotage and invasion of privacy:


Rep. Nancy Mace (R-S.C.), who has experienced a string of staff resignations and firings, accused her former employees of sabotage and invading her privacy in a new interview.

“I knew that they were sabotaging the office for a while. I didn’t know to the extent that they were doing it,” Mace told the Daily Mail in an article published Friday.

Nine of Mace’s staff members left her office between December and February, the outlet reported. Prior to that, four employees left during a six-week period in summer 2021.

She said her team signed her name on documents without permission, and “one of them submerged their electronic devices under water so we couldn’t access their files.” She claimed they would delete files, so new staff wouldn’t have access to them.

The South Carolina representative, a mother to two, said one of her staff members hacked her devices, tracking her for nine months with access to her children’s calendars and Mace’s doctor appointments and medical information. She added that former staff mismanaged nearly $1 from her office budget as well.

One staff member would leak the names of new hires in an attempt for negative stories to be written about them, and interns quit because former staff threatened that “they would never get a job on the hill if they worked in my office,” she claimed.

“The stories I have from some of my former staff are horrific, and were a massive invasion of my privacy,” Mace said.

Would Mace like some cheese with that whine? It is one thing to acknowledge you are having a problem with personnel. It is another thing to blame them for all your woes and threaten their future prospects for employment by assigning to them actionable offenses. Mace's former staffers did not hold back either, and spoke to the Daily Mail in the same article, to counter her accusations:


A source familiar with the daily operations of the office shot back: 'The swamp has truly gotten to Nancy Mace. A 'fiscally conservative' congresswoman is upset that staff saved her constituents money?' 

Any money unspent in an office budget goes back to the Treasury. 

'I guess she never understood that the office budget is not a personal bank account. Ask her mentor, Senator Paul. Every year he sends unspent funds back to the Treasury to pay down the debt. Rep. Mace would rather spend tax money on vanity mail pieces than return a dime back to the American people.' 

Former staffers also spoke on condition of anonymity to the Washington Post, and spilled the tea about how Mace actually did and did not spend the American people's money. These staffers also accused her of being cheap, failing to reimburse them for expenses they incurred on her behalf:

“I have never seen an article about a member of Congress complaining that all the tax dollars weren’t spent,” a former staffer noted.

Two former staffers said that the leftover money was a result of Mace missing deadlines to approve of a mass-mailer program that members typically send to constituents at the end of every year. “She was very bad at pulling the trigger on decisions,” one of the former staffers said.

Three staffers also questioned Mace’s claim that the money should have been directed toward staff salaries, as she was notorious for underpaying staff and often declined to provide staffers with small raises. They said that Mace was prone to asking staffers to cover the costs of everyday administrative tasks, like filling up her car with gas, and that she often failed to reimburse them when they followed up for repayment.

Mace once asked an aide to buy cupcakes to celebrate her then-fiancé’s birthday, according to two former staffers. She asked everyone in the office to go to the Oversight Committee staff room and sing “Happy Birthday” to her then-fiancé. She never reimbursed the aide for the purchase, the staffers said.

“We have no record of any outstanding reimbursement requests,” Mace said in a statement to The Washington Post. “With the proper invoice and receipts, we have always reimbursed our staff appropriately.” She declined to comment further for this story.


In terms of Mace's claims of being hacked and the access to her calendar, the former staffers say that having access to personal, political, and congressional calendars is standard operating procedure, and was set up by Mace herself. When she would erratically decide to revoke access, it prevented the staffers from doing their jobs, according to the Daily Mail report: 

They denied that her personal devices had been hacked, and said it was standard routine for elected officials to share their personal calendars with staff. 

'She had a personal calendar, a political calendar, and official calendar. All three of those calendars were managed and shared with senior staff so that we could go about the daily operations. No one hacked her accounts. She set them all up.'

'She routinely would try to revoke access, be like 'you can no longer see my calendar' for a couple of weeks. And you know what, we couldn't do our jobs.'

'This seems to be stemming from paranoia and trust issues,' another former staffer said. 'She's clearly unwell and I hope she gets help.' 

The description of the Congresswoman as "self-serving" has been bandied about as well. Her Democrat opponent is using this staffer drama to go hard against her. He posted this recent commentary about Mace from a Republican colleague in the House. Apparently, some in Congress don't have any problems burning bridges.



In Mace's defense, it's kind of hard to dig into problem-solving when you are more focused on your media presence, on top of having to fire and then hire staff. Also to her credit, Mace is an effective surrogate and media presence, as her takedown of George Stephanopoulos on ABC News' "This Week" showed.


But as Mace's former communications director loves to remind everyone, most of Mace's wounds tend to be self-inflicted:

Polling shows that Mace's District 1 is a potential flip in 2024. The South Carolina primary runoff is June 25, and Mace is competing against two Republican and two Democrat challengers. Former state agency director Catherine Templeton, Marine vet and non-profit executive Bill Young, and Dems Michael Moore and Mac Deford. Whether all this staff drama reflects poorly on Mace's electoral chances remains to be seen. If not, expect more Mace episodes of "As the Staffers Turn Capitol Hill" in the future.


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