
The Paradox of Systemic Racism Claims in a Democrat-Controlled System

AP Photo/Kiichiro Sato, File

There have always been plenty of inconsistencies in leftist narratives on race, government, and, well, everything else. But the subject of systemic racism provides one of the most glaring examples that seems to fly under the radar.

Members of the left-wing chattering class have pointed fingers at what they claim is entrenched white supremacy within government institutions. It remains their signature talking point and rhetorical weapon to use against conservatives.

The concept of systemic racism is also one of several ways in which Democrats appeal to black voters and non-black voters who believe they are part of the solution when they ally with the left to combat this problem.

Conservative commentator Sonnie Johnson recently highlighted this contradiction in a thought-provoking post on X, raising important — but rarely asked — questions about the true nature of systemic racism and who, if anyone, is truly responsible for perpetuating it.

Democrats are afraid Republicans are going to take over the systems of bureaucracy. So, you are admitting Republicans currently don’t have control. If not them, then who? And if Dems have control, then systemic racism is currently being enforced by whom??????

Democrats are afraid Republicans are going to take over the systems of bureaucracy. So, you are admitting Republicans currently don't have control. If not them, then who? And if Dems have control, then systemic racism is currently being enforced by whom??????

— Sonnie Johnson (@SonnieJohnson) July 5, 2024

Johnson’s post cuts to the heart of the matter, exposing a glaring logical flaw in the left’s argument.

Let’s take a moment and consider the implications of this paradox. If systemic racism is wildly rampant in our government and institutions, as folks on the left claim, and Democrats have been in control of America’s institutions, then who exactly is responsible for maintaining these racist structures?

The inconsistency becomes even more apparent when one looks at leftist rhetoric aimed at law enforcement. Democrats routinely discuss racism in policing and the overall criminal justice system. They rail about mass incarceration and racially biased approaches to law enforcement.

Yet, which political party governs cities that have high black populations? Exactly. Democratic officials are the ones presiding over the police and courts they refer to as racist. Despite their claims that it is Republicans who perpetuate systemic racism, they have done little or nothing to address the issue on the ground, even though Democrats are in charge.

Even further, if our federal, state, and local governments are so rife with racial bias, then why are leftists so intent on continuing to strengthen and grow the very system they claim targets minorities? If they truly believed their own rhetoric, the last thing they would want to do is make a white supremacist state even more powerful.

This leads us to two conclusions. The first is that Democrats don’t actually believe their own arguments on systemic racism and are exaggerating it for political purposes. The second possibility is that those making these claims are, wittingly or unwittingly, complicit in perpetuating the very system they claim to oppose while scapegoating the right.

Neither of these options paints a flattering picture of those who most loudly decry systemic racism while continuing to advocate for more government power. Even further, as Johnson points out, if Democrats fear Republicans taking control of America’s institutions, then why would this be a horrible outcome if the left has been perpetuating systemic racism for decades?

That’s the crux of the matter, isn’t it?

The bottom line is that leftists are not concerned with systemic racism or protecting “marginalized” communities. They care only for power. The groups they claim to champion are nothing more than political leverage to help Democrats attain more influence and win elections. It is why they will complain about police brutality against black Americans even though they are the ones who control local and, in many cases, state law enforcement agencies.

Democrats have had decades to fix the problems they highlight on the national scene. But they have refused. The reason why is obvious: If they actually do something to solve these problems, they would be sacrificing one of their most potent political weapons.


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