
Winning: Backlash to the Left’s Trans Agenda in Sports Is Delivering Results

AP Photo/Lindsey Wasson

If current developments are any indication, it is possible that the backlash against biological males participating in women’s sports could be growing in the not-too-distant future.

Trans-identified males have been racking up victories in women’s sports in K-12 sporting events and also at the collegiate level.

As this trend becomes more prevalent, resistance to the effort to shame everyone else into accepting these outcomes will become even more aggressive – even in blue states.

The Washington Times published a report with some less than shocking revelations: Biological males are cleaning up in women’s sports.

Transgender students may represent only a tiny percentage of high school athletes, but they enjoyed disproportionate success this year in girls’ track-and-field state championships.

Five biological males who identify as female won girls’ state scholastic titles at outdoor-season spring meets in Connecticut, New Hampshire, Maine, Oregon and Washington.

At least three other male-born athletes didn’t win but competed at the girls’ track-and-field championships in Connecticut, Hawaii and Washington, as tracked by the Independent Council on Women’s Sports, or ICONS.

Their defenders insist that the transgender athletes followed the rules, and they’re right: All of the male-born competitors complied with their state transgender policies allowing them to enter the girls’ field based on self-declared gender identity.

All-American swimmer Marshi Smith, founder of the Independent Council on Women’s Sports (ICONS), chimed in on the matter, telling The Washington Times that it is “tragic to witness the absurdity of boys dominating girls’ high school sports, with no leadership in these states stepping up to defend girls.”

Smith said it is “heartbreaking that girls across half the country must consistently compete on an unlevel playing field, with no policymakers defending their hard work and accomplishments.”

Indeed, while many states have passed laws forbidding trans-identified males from participating in female sports, blue states have prioritized the desires of trans-identified individuals over actual females.

However, there have been signs that people are growing fed up with the absurdity being forced on female athletes.

During a recent track meet in track and field, spectators booed Veronica Garcia, a trans-identified male who defeated several female competitors. Middle school female athletes in West Virginia also made the news for refusing to compete against a male athlete in the shot-put event, a decision that resulted in their being barred from future sporting events. They were later allowed to compete after a judge ruled against that nonsense.

Alliance for Defending Freedom (ADF) recently filed a lawsuit against the Biden administration’s revamp of Title IX protections for women. The suit describes how one trans-identified male student-athlete had defeated female competitors over 700 times during track and field events.

The data also shows that more Americans are looking askance at the overall transgender agenda.

In an election year survey, a recent Pew Research poll surveyed those who said they were supporters of former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden. The survey showed that more and more voters believe that one's gender is determined at birth and that it cannot be "chosen" at any time. Overall, 65 percent of those surveyed said gender is determined at birth, and 34 percent that gender can be changed later on. When broken down between Trump supporters and Biden supporters, 90 percent of Trump supporters said gender was assigned at birth, while just 39 percent of Biden supporters said gender was assigned at birth. When it came to changing one's gender at will, 59 percent of Biden voters said this was possible, and just nine percent of Trump voters said changing genders at will was possible.

Other studies have found similar findings about attitudes toward biological males competing in women’s sports.

The results of a NORC at University of Chicago poll show that when it comes to biological men who identify as women competing in women's sports, many Americans are about done with the unfairness of that as well. That survey showed that two-thirds of adults were opposed to biological males competing with biological women in women's sports. Those surveyed said that transgender athletes should "never" or "only in rare cases" be allowed to compete in women's sports. Overall, 69 percent of U.S. adults say that biological males who identify as women should not be allowed to compete in women's sports.

At this point, it seems reasonable to conclude that progressives pushing the trans agenda will not be able to cow or con people into denying biological reality for too much longer. While people are free to identify however they choose, more people are going to balk at the suggestion that they should have to play along with the delusion as well.

This is a welcome sign, given the progress that the hard left has made in advancing their gender ideology while trying to force their beliefs on the rest of us. Let’s hope the backlash grows even quicker than we think.


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