Tim Scott Levels CNN Anchor for Deceptively Misquoting Trump After Conviction

AP Photo/Chris Carlson

Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) made a CNN anchor look foolish during a segment discussing comments regarding a jury’s decision to convict former President Donald Trump in the Manhattan trial. During the conversation, host Abby Phillip deceptively claimed that, if elected, Trump would use his position to seek revenge against his enemies.


Phillip asked, "When former President Trump says that if he is elected president, he would appoint a special prosecutor to ‘go after the most corrupt president in the history of the United States of America, Joe Biden, and the entire Biden crime family,’ are you saying that that is not something that you would support?"

Scott was quick to correct Phillip, setting the record straight by pointing out that Trump actually said the best revenge is success. Phillip continued pushing the false narrative, claiming the former president said “They did it to me, so we have to do it to them” and asked whether Scott supports that statement.

Scott retorted, “This is why the ratings on CNN are so low. The bottom line is simply this. Without question, President Trump has looked me in my eyes in a room full of other folks and said, ‘You know what? The best revenge is success.’ Let's not make this about just Donald Trump.”

Phillip insisted that Trump made the comments “to thousands of his supporters that he plans to go after his political enemies.”


Phillip must not have a functional sense of irony, given that she was trying to press the senator on Trump’s comments just after a jury in a politically motivated farce of a prosecution voted to convict him. This is deflection at its greatest, folks.

In fact, the notion that Democrats are weaponizing the court system is not only apparent to those who support the former president, but also to those who don’t. A survey conducted earlier this year found that most Americans know that the indictments against the former president are a naked effort to influence the outcome of the upcoming presidential election.

The survey, conducted by McLaughlin and Associates, revealed that most respondents believe Biden is using the government against Trump through the justice system to skew the outcome of the upcoming presidential election. Interestingly enough, it is not only Republicans who have this perspective – Democrats and Independents also see through the scam.

In the latest McLaughlin and Associates survey shared with Secrets on Wednesday, 56% said they believe that “Joe Biden wants to stop President Trump from winning the election by putting him in jail.” Some 30% disagreed.

Republicans, 86% to 8%, agreed, as did independent voters, 50% to 33%. But so did many Democrats — 32% agreed to 48% who didn’t.

What’s more, voters said they believe Biden is playing a key role in driving the investigations of his rival. Some 58% said Biden has a role. Of that, 40% called his role “major.”


Of course, it is clear what Phillip was trying to accomplish. She and her cohorts in the activist media are heavy in spin mode, trying to mitigate the reality that even Stevie Wonder could see that the entire case was more about politics than a pursuit of justice. However, judging by the reaction to this farce, it seems that this gambit on the part of Democrats is already backfiring.


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