
It's Too Late for Kamala Harris to 'Take the Gloves Off'

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

You want to know how I know the left is on the losing side? It's because I see articles like this one from The Hill. 

James Zirin wrote an article titled "Harris needs to take the gloves off," and within, proceeded to write the same article I've seen dozens of times since Harris announced her candidacy after her Red Wedding moment with Joe Biden's campaign. You've read it before, too. Trump is a bad person, January 6, immigrants aren't all that bad, abortion rights and Ukraine, and did he mention Trump was bad? 

But the part that spoke volumes was this: 

The electorate by now should be tired of Trump’s kitschy speeches, his lowbrow allusions and his fusillade of lies. But voters want to hear from Harris how she is going to change their lives for the better over the next four years. She needs to be on a mission beyond “I am not Trump.”

Like the good prosecutor that she is, Harris must come out swinging sternly with the facts. She should remind the voters that Trump’s war on immigrants, particularly Black and Hispanic immigrants, is antithetical to the core values of our country.

Yeah, it's fun to pretend. 

The left seems to have this delusion that Harris is sitting on something that will blow Trump's chances of winning away. That, like some Mary Sue in a modern Disney movie, all she needs to do is believe in herself and she can defeat the evil Orange Man handily. All she needs to do is bring out the big guns. 

To be sure, the media has her set up on a prime spot atop a hill with the latest and greatest artillery money can buy. The media has Trump sighted for her. All she has to do is fire. The only issue is that every time she does, a red flag pops out of the end of the barrel that says "bang" on it. 

The issue with Harris is one that Zirin highlights. Harris has little in the way of actual policy achievements. Nothing she's done is successful. In fact, she's fallen flat on her face and failed in pretty much every responsibility she's ever been given. 

All the pros about Harris are having to come third-party. The argument that illegal immigrants are not being the boogieman America thinks they are a perfect example of this. This is a problem she personally helped create, yet the media is having to make the excuse that the migrants who are committing crimes are actually great! Yeah, they're committing crimes, some of which are rape and murder, but they do it less than Americans do!

Two issues with this. 

Illegal immigrants wouldn't be committing those crimes at all, and all those people we lost would still be with us, if they'd never been allowed to enter the country in the first place. 

READ: BRUTAL: Border Patrol Union Blasts Kamala Harris for Her Cosplaying Visit to the Border

Secondly, all the defense of illegal immigrants in the world doesn't change the fact that they're costing us money, $150.7 billion annually to be precise, and it's hard to convince someone who is having a hard time putting gas in their car and food on their table, that this shouldn't just continue, but progress to an even worse state, costing more money. 

The crux of this entire issue Harris is having is the fact that she is partly responsible for the position the country has found itself in. Her "gloves off" moment can never come, because she's fighting with everything she has right now, which isn't much of anything. All her strength comes from support she's getting from outside her campaign.

It's not just too late to take the gloves off... she never had a punch of a punch to begin with. 

The media and Harris's supporters have convinced themselves that she's some stellar fighter with a talent that could wow the world and blow away the competition, but it's time to face some very serious facts. 

Kamala Harris is a joke. Her only talent is failing upward. When she's not inept, she's corrupt. 

And moreover, Donald Trump is not the all-encompassing villain they think he is. He is a far better politician, steward of the economy, diplomat, and dealmaker than she could ever hope to be. No matter what the media does to convince everyone, especially themselves, otherwise... the people aren't going to care. In the end, it's about personal prosperity, and the vast majority of us aren't getting it under the Biden-Harris administration. 

We do remember getting it under the Trump administration, though... 


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