
People Say They Believe in Climate Change, but One Thing Says They Really Don't

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

The more climate change becomes an issue, the less people seem to care about it, and by that I mean to say that the more the left tries to make it one, the more people tend to lose interest in it. 

Which is very odd considering all the time, effort, and money the left puts into making the "climate crisis" an apocalyptic disaster that we're always just around the corner from. It's even more odd when you consider the fact that it worked. Many people truly do believe that man-made climate change is very real and dangerous. 

According to Resources for the Future, 83 percent of people believe that human actions have been partly responsible for the cause of global warming, and 81 percent believe global warming will be a serious problem for the world. Funny enough, 78 percent of Americans think the government should do something about it. 

And yet, the environment is never very high on the list of concerns when elections roll around. 

Why, you ask? Easy. Because it's too expensive. When green energy comes for your wallet, all that concern for the climate disappears. It's too expensive. Which means that most people actually don't think it must be all that much of a threat. In fact, they see combating climate change as a greater threat to their wallet than climate change in total. 

According to the Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago, when Americans are given the option to pay an extra monthly fee to combat it, they shut their wallets and walk away: 

While the majority of Americans support climate policies, including a carbon tax on companies, when it comes to paying for these policies in the form of a monthly fee on their energy use they are much less supportive. In fact, more than half of Americans are unwilling to pay any amount of money to combat climate change. Forty-five percent are willing to pay $1—more than last year, but down from prior years of the poll. That said, a consistent minority is willing to pay a significant amount (even $100) to combat climate change.

It doesn't help that there's a massive partisan divide when it comes to the mere belief of climate change between the two main parties. Democrats believe in climate change being a threat at 78 percent, while Republicans clock in at only 28 percent. 

But absolutely none of these party lines matter when the economy is in the dumps. As I write this, climate change ranks 17th on the list of concerns out of 21 issues. 

I just threw a lot of numbers at you, I know, but in the end the only number that truly seems to matter is the one in their bank account. As I said earlier, this means that climate change is more like a luxury concern, much like LGBT issues and abortion. It's something that we can make out to be more of an issue than it actually is because it's cool to do so and makes many people in blue areas seem virtuous and cool. However, tell them that their lives are going to be worse off financially, and suddenly they'll spray two cans of hairspray into the ozone every day if it allows them to keep up their lifestyle. 

In short, the concern for climate change is as fake as the climate crisis. Few people actually believe it's happening. Even the celebrities who are screaming the loudest about it live lives that spew more of that carbon dioxide into the air in a year than a small town will in their entire lives. 

(READ: Study Finds Those Finger-Wagging Celebrity Eco-Warriors Emit 10,000 Times More CO2 Than the Average Person)

Perhaps, as time goes on, and the world continues not to end, and more science gets out that truly destroys the climate alarmist's claims, this concern will wane even further. Not that people will want to improve our condition with the environment, but I imagine people will want it to happen more naturally with further scientific research and technological development. 

Until then... who really cares?


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