
Putin Was Only Joking About His Endorsement of Kamala Harris... Kind Of

Mikhail Klimentyev, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP

Russian President Vladimir Putin is a shrewd world leader. While he might be the bad guy in this story, Putin isn't a pushover. He knows how to play politics both at home and abroad, and he's definitely playing the game abroad right now. 

On Wednesday, Putin was giving an interview when the subject of the 2024 election between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris was brought up. Putin said he endorsed Harris. 

“She laughs so expressively and infectiously that it means that everything is fine with her,” said Putin. 

Before Harris, Putin had endorsed Joe Biden, but now that he's dropped out and endorsed Harris, Russia will do the same. According to the Moscow Times, Trump was just too much on Russia, according to Putin. 

“Trump has imposed as many sanctions on Russia as any president has ever imposed before, and if Harris is doing well, perhaps she will refrain from such actions,” said Putin.

Does Putin actually want Kamala Harris to win? Yes and no, and more the former answer than the latter.

Harris will likely pick up where Biden left off in pushing the U.S. to fund the war in Ukraine, something that definitely has been a thorn in Russia's side for some time. The thing is, Russia is getting a lot out of this war, including forcing the American economy to weaken by supporting Ukraine, keeping Ukraine out of NATO and keeping it from making key holdings in the region, and giving itself better trade relations with China and India, providing a counter-balance to the western alliances that have dominated global politics for so long. 

This war might not be going as well as Putin wants it to, but it sure is giving him what he needs out of it.

Moreover, if you truly want to weaken the United States, you put a weak leader in office. Joe Biden was a gift to Putin, and it's likely Harris will be as well. Neither of them are particularly strong leaders, being controlled by people in the background instead. The Biden-Harris administration has been a disaster for America, weakening its economy, leaving borders wide open, increasing crime, and sewing division between the populace. 

If you're America's enemy, you'd be endorsing Harris too. I doubt he likes Harris. I sincerely doubt he thinks she'd be a good leader, which is exactly why he's putting his support behind her. 

Some believe he's playing mind games with the American people. He is, just not in the way many believe. Some say that by endorsing Harris, he's trying to get people to turn away from her to back the guy he actually likes, Trump. I doubt that's the case. A man like him knows what people will suspect, and it will make them want to buckle down on Harris even harder.  

The person he actually fears is Trump. He was being serious when he said Trump was unpredictable. He remembers Trump enacting some of the harshest sanctions that ever came down on Russia. He remembers how Trump strengthened NATO by making other countries actually put their own money up to do it. 

Trump very well might end Putin's war in Ukraine, and that would not be very good for Russia. 

So no, Putin doesn't think Harris's laugh is infectious. No one thinks that. He does want her as America's leader, though. He has every incentive for that to be the case. 


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