
There's No Excuse to Not Pass the SAVE Act

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

If you haven't heard of the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act yet, it's probably one of the most important things we could do to help our election stay secure and as free of fraud as possible. This is a no-brainer. Passing this would solve the problem of people voting who shouldn't, which is a chief concern for many. No one should be opposing this, and anyone who does is highly suspect of wanting fraud to happen. 

Naturally, the Democrats oppose the SAVE Act. 

They didn't spend the last three-plus years allowing illegals to flood across our southern border just to have them become useless bodies that soak up money now. These people were always an investment, not an act of charity.

The SAVE Act would require proof of citizenship in order to vote. While it's illegal for a non-citizen to vote already, an illegal citizen voting in our elections is as easy as checking a box that says you're a citizen in much the same way a child can get access to a porn site by claiming he or she is over the age of 18. With the SAVE Act, the person must now present ID in order to get access to a vote. 

Democrats claim this isn't necessary, saying that the "trust me, bro" method is good enough and that non-citizens could face up to five years in prison for violating election laws. The issue is that Democrats aren't even imprisoning illegals for assaulting people, including police officers. 

According to The Federalist, these illegals must not be getting a harsh enough punishment because there sure are a lot of them illegally voting in our elections. In fact, they haven't been getting punished: 

If the current laws on the books worked the way Democrats want to pretend they work, then 11,198 noncitizens would have never ended up on the voter rolls in Pennsylvania, more than 6,000 wouldn’t have been found (and cleared) from Virginia’s rolls, and 1,500 foreigners wouldn’t have been caught registered to vote in California by the state DMV in 2018.

What’s more is that despite Democrats’ insistence that noncitizen voting is illegal, the Department of Justice has only filed 35 criminal cases against noncitizens for illegally voting over a 20-year-period. But a 2016 audit in North Carolina alone found that 41 noncitizens cast a ballot while The Brennan Center for Justice found “about 30 incidents of a possible noncitizen voting” in “immigrant-heavy jurisdictions,” according to The Associated Press.

Related: With Vote on SAVE Act, House Dems Reveal Their Stance on Noncitizen Voting

The other argument from Democrats is that the SAVE Act is, of course, racist because it disadvantages minorities. As the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights said in a statement: 

Introduction and advancement of this bill is the most recent example of what has been a string of recent efforts to make voter registration and voting more difficult, particularly for voters of color. False claims of non-citizen voting have been disingenuously used to enact more onerous voter identification requirements, limitations on voter assistance in languages other than English, and attempts to spread misinformation about voting. This legislation seeks to intimidate members of immigrant communities and communities of color from exercising their lawful right to vote. It also would make it harder for voters of color and naturalized citizens to register to vote and would prevent their full participation in democracy. These are already communities who are unfairly targeted by anti-immigrant policies at the federal, state, and local level. Congress should be doing everything possible to encourage and promote the political participation of these citizens, rather than seeking to diminish it through threats and fear tactics.

How would it make it harder for people of color to vote or get registration to do so? No one ever says. It's been suggested that minority communities are too ignorant to understand how to get registered, which is an insanely racist thing to suggest, but even then, I'm not sure if this is a valid excuse to leave our system-wide open for fraud. 

If they aren't knowledgeable about how to obtain ID and register to vote, then why not use government resources for their actual purpose and begin showing people how to do so? Why not pair with local organizations to spread the word?

They don't have transportation to do so? Then why doesn't the government stop funding the war in Ukraine and use it to open up mobile registration trucks or even provide people transportation to registration locations as a public service? 

Can't afford the fees? Why not waive them for low-income communities? 

There is no excuse for the SAVE Act not to be passed. Any attempt to make one should be taken as an immediate desire to cheat and allow for fraud. 


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